Network building for accelerated growth of the Visual Arts by professional Arts consultants with expertise in Art events, nonprofit management, Art education and community development.

As an arts advisory group we bring collective talents to the table ranging from event planning, public relations, web-site design and development, marketing and community relations. We specialize in: Building Awareness

Increasing Community Involvement

Corporate Art Rotation

Constructing Standard Operating Procedures

Establishing an interim Advisory board

Setting up and maintenance of office procedures and establishing administrative office staff members

Further Foundation Development with the establishment of a full board and advisory board

Fulfillment of Endowment goals

Establishment of icon status of Award in the San Diego region

International Museum Involvement

Boiler plate handbook and timeline for facilitation of events and goal benchmarks

The Art Girls: Ann Berchtold, and Patricia Frischer  

Hear the Art Girls interviewed on ART ROCKS!
by Alexandra Rosa and Phillip Swendoza
of ArtRocks Internet Radio!

Click Here

Read the article "Everymans Guide to buying Art"
published in the San Diego Magazine. Article
includes interviews from Art Girls: Ann Berchtold and  
Patricia Frischer
Click Here

Affiliate Websites

The San Diego Visual Arts Network

Beyond the Borders International Art Fair
L Street Gallery



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Our Background:

Ann Berchtold has a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Internet Marketing. She is the founder of, launched in April of 2000 to showcase the work of local, emerging artists. She is also the founder of INSPIRE! San Diego Art Kidz (, an elementary school program that brings local artists into the classroom to share with students their personal sources of inspiration from the world of art history through activity-based presentations and demonstrations. Ann has designed and developed numerous web sites for various artists in San Diego. In addition to her non-profit endeavors, Ann has worked as an event planner for over fifteen years. Following her positions as Catering Director for the La Valencia Hotel, La Jolla, CA and the Ritz Carlton Hotel, San Francisco, Ann started her own event planning company, called Forderer Design Group specializing in up-scale events for both corporate and social gatherings. Website: Email: Telephone: 858 792 1941

Patricia Frischer was awarded an MBA Magna cum Laude in sculpture from California College of Arts and Craft before becoming director of a sales gallery in London, England , and then Gallery Director for three exhibitions spaces at California State University in Humboldt where she was an art professor. She then returned to London to head the Art Department at an international school in Nottinghill Gate. She was able to build the department, which awarded the International baccalaureate degree to over 300 students. She has written the book, "The Artist and the Art of Marketing" and has lectured extensively on marketing for artists. She currently trains Artist’s Agents and is a dynamic part of the arts community in San Diego. Patricia is a former board member for the Combined Organizations for the Visual Arts (COVA), coordinator for the COVA's prestigious Art Collectors Round Table, and coordinator and founder member of the San Diego Visual Arts Network, which currently lists more than 180 visual arts resources and over 185 artists. The SmART Collector on that site is designed to create more art buyers for the San Diego region. Her own painting have shown internationally in numerous one women exhibitions including Oxford University. Website: Email: Telephone 760 943 0148

Full resumes and References Available on Request