Event Title
Class 16. Abstracts! Painting with Fabric, Paper, Collage & Acrylics with Susan Osborn | Athenaeum Music & Arts Library | School of the Arts | La Jolla Studio
Name Athenaeum Music & Arts Library
Address 1008 Wall St
City La Jolla
State CA
Zip 92037
Opening Hours Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 9:30 AM–12:30 PM March 14, 15, and 16 (3 days, 9 total hours of instruction)
Location North County Coastal
Telephone 858-454-5872
Email aabreu@ljathenaeum.org
Web Site https://www.ljathenaeum.org/art-classes#quick
Start Time 09:30 am
Contact Anira Abreu  
Fee $155/175
Reception Date N/A
Dates Starts On 3-14-2025   Ends On 3-16-2025
Opening Days
Event Description Friday, Saturday, Sunday, 9:30 AM–12:30 PM March 14, 15, and 16 (3 days, 9 total hours of instruction) La Jolla Studio Follow your imagination and the patterns in fabric scraps as you combine them with painted paper, cutouts, and paints. This is a chance to recycle many colorful leftovers into fantasy creations. Compositional forms will be explained with a focus on movement and repetition. During the first class meeting, Susan will demonstrate techniques for preparing paper and gluing items smoothly, and she will provide some fabric scraps for your use. She will be working on a mixed-media collage while in class. The following classes will be used to complete a larger work using still life or photographs as inspiration.   Materials: Fabric scraps, paper,* acrylic paints, 11” x 14” canvas (or larger), gesso, brushes, clear acrylic medium, copies of old photos, magazines for collage, scissors.
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Event Title
Class 81. Friday Writers II (Fiction & Nonfiction) with Anna DiMartino | Athenaeum Music & Arts Library: School of the Arts | La Jolla Art Studio
Name Athenaeum Music & Arts Library
Address 1008 Wall St
City La Jolla
State CA
Zip 92037
Opening Hours Fridays, 2:30–4:30 PM March 14–May 23 (no class April 4) (10 weeks, 20 total hours of instruction) Joan & Irwin Jacobs Music Room
Location North County Coastal
Telephone 858-454-5872
Email aabreu@ljathenaeum.org
Web Site https://www.ljathenaeum.org/class/81
Start Time 02:30 pm
Contact Anira Abreu  
Fee $200/220 *New students: please submit a brief writing sample to Anna at aodimartino@gmail.com prior to registration
Reception Date 3-14-2025
Dates Starts On 3-14-2025   Ends On 5-23-2025
Opening Days
Event Description Are you seeking feedback on your writing? Friday Writers II is geared toward intermediate to advanced writers with a focus on fiction and nonfiction. In this class, you will learn from other writers, through read and critique, as you grow your writing craft. Class meets Fridays from 2:30–4:30 p.m.
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Event Title
Cinema Club Film Friday - Lucky Grandma
Name City of Carlsbad, Cultural Arts
Address 1775 Dove Lane
City Carlsbad
State CA
Zip 92011
Opening Hours Showing at 4pm and 7 pm
Location North County Coastal
Telephone 760-602-2090
Email arts@carlsbadca.gov
Web Site http://www.carlsbadca.gov/arts
Start Time 04:00 pm
Contact Craddock Stropes  
Reception Date N/A
Dates Starts On 3-14-2025   Ends On 3-14-2025
Opening Days Showing at 4pm and 7 pm
Event Description Lucky Grandma International/China (2019, NR, 1h, 27m) Set in New York City's Chinatown, an ornery, chain-smoking Chinese grandma goes all in at the casino, landing herself on the wrong side of luck. Showing at 4pm and 7 pm
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