Event Title
Class 59. Encaustics 1 Layering & Embedding with Lisa Bebi | Athenaeum Art Center | School of the Arts | Logan Heights Art Studio
Name Athenaeum Music & Arts Library
Address 1955 Julian Avenue
City San Diego
State CA
Zip 92113
Opening Hours Sunday–Tuesday, 11 AM–4 PM March 30–April 1 (3 Days, 15 total hours of instruction) AAC Art Studio
Location Central San Diego
Telephone 858-454-5872
Email aabreu@ljathenaeum.org
Web Site https://www.ljathenaeum.org/art-classes#quick
Start Time 11:00 am
Contact Anira Abreu  
Fee $245/265 + $75 materials fee paid to instructor
Reception Date N/A
Dates Starts On 3-30-2025   Ends On 4-1-2025
Opening Days
Event Description This class will focus on the basics of encaustic painting, a technique using heated beeswax mixed with pigments that allows for rich textures and vibrant colors. Beginner basics include learning to do the following: Use encaustic equipment (griddle, heat gun and torch) Fuse encaustic mediums for a smooth appearance Create depth by layering Embed small (dried) objects and collage elements Excavate to reveal underlying layers Materials: The $75 material fee includes wood-panel supports, R & F encaustic medium;, some R & F wax colors, heated palette, some brushes, heat guns, torches, some collage materials, images, things to embed; mark-making tools, gloves, scissors. Optional: you may bring to class an apron, mask for face if sensitive to the smell of heated wax, paper towels, tracing paper, your own mark-making tools, dried botanicals to embed.
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Event Title
An Evening with Ann Patchett
Name Fallbrook School of the Arts
Address 310 e. alvarado st
City Fallbrook
State CA
Zip 92028
Opening Hours
Location North County Inland
Telephone 7607286383
Email ktrapane@fallbrookschoolofthearts.org
Web Site https://www.fallbrookartsinc.org/event-details/ann-patchett
Start Time 04:30 pm
Contact Karen Trapane  
Fee $150.00
Reception Date N/A
Dates Starts On 3-30-2025   Ends On 3-30-2025
Opening Days
Event Description Enjoy an evening to remember with internationally acclaimed author Ann Patchett who will explore her thoughts on annotating her first million-seller novel, Bel Canto.
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Event Title
Class 14. Impressionism into Fauvism with Sharon Carol Demery | Athenaeum Music & Arts Library: School of the Arts | La Jolla Art Studio
Name Athenaeum Music & Arts Library
Address 1008 Wall St
City La Jolla
State CA
Zip 92037
Opening Hours Sundays, 9:30 AM–12:30 PM March 30–April 20 (4 weeks, 12 total hours of instruction) La Jolla Studio
Location North County Coastal
Telephone 858-454-5872
Email aabreu@ljathenaeum.org
Web Site https://www.ljathenaeum.org/class/14
Start Time 10:00 am
Contact Anira Abreu  
Fee $180/200 + $20 materials fee paid to instructor
Reception Date 3-30-2025
Dates Starts On 3-30-2025   Ends On 4-20-2025
Opening Days
Event Description “Fauvism is not everything, but it is the foundation of everything.”—Henri Matisse Henri Matisse, Andre Derain, and Maurice Vlaminck were the creators of this powerful era in art of the early 1900s. The act of painting itself was at the heart of Fauvism. It was the first movement to insist in explicit terms that a painting is the canvas and the pigments—not the subject. This class will explore the Postimpressionist movement that led to the Fauve movement strongly influencing the art of the 20th century. Leaving behind classic color, perspective, and subject matter and moving into exciting, bold, vibrant colors, spontaneous compositions, and highly gestural application of paint techniques is what we will explore while painting in session. A pink sky? Why not! Come join the fun, freedom, and excitement of expressive Fauve painting. This class is for all levels of painters, both beginning and experienced. You are also welcome to do your own work.
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Event Title
Beauty and Beyond, an Art Exhibition
Name San Diego Watercolor Society
Address 2825 Dewey Rd Bldg #202
City San Diego
State California
Zip 92106
Opening Hours Gallery Hours: Weds-Sun, 11am to 3pm Opening Reception: Apr 4, 5-8pm
Location Central San Diego
Telephone 619/876-4550
Email communications@sdws.org
Web Site http://www.sdws.org
Start Time 11:00 am
Contact Susan Wormsely  
Fee Free
Reception Date 4-4-2025
Dates Starts On 3-30-2025   Ends On 4-26-2025
Opening Days Weds-Sun, 11am - 3pm
Event Description The San Diego Watercolor Society proudly presents “Beauty and Beyond”, juried by award-winning artist, Sean Barrett. The water-based media exhibition runs Mar 30-Apr 26, 2025 at our Gallery in The ARTS DISTRICT Liberty Station. The free Opening Reception is Friday, Apr 4, 5-8 pm with over 95 ready-to-hang original paintings plus refreshments and the fellowship of other art enthusiasts. The Gallery is open Weds-Sun, 11am – 3pm. The paintings can also be viewed and purchased online. Please visit www.sdws.org for more information.
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