Event Title
Robert Wilson: Video Portraits
Name Timken Museum of Art
Address 1500 El Prado Balboa Park
City San Diego
State CA
Zip 92101
Opening Hours 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Location Central San Diego
Telephone 619-239-5548
Email krosenberg@timkenmuseum.org
Web Site http://www.timkenmuseum.org
Contact Kristina Rosenberg  
Fee N/A
Reception Date 00-00-0000
Dates Starts On 02-25-2011   Ends On 05-15-2011
Opening Days Tuesday-Sunday, closed Mondays and major holidays
Event Description

Timken Museum of Art / Free Admission / You are invited to join us in witnessing the highly anticipated groundbreaking exhibition "Robert Wilson Video Portraits" at its exclusive venue, the Timken Museum of Art. The portraits depict recognizable personalities from the world of performing arts who take on an aspect of their professional lives by being captured in character�but in character inspired by great masterpieces of European art. Robert Downey, Jr., Mikhail Baryshnikov and Jeanne Moreau each appear on 65-inch high definition plasma monitors and Winona Ryder�s portrait will be projected on the outside of the museum exclusively at night until the Old Globe lets out. Watch closely to see if you can spot the almost imperceptible movements by the subjects. For more information please visit: http://www.timkenmuseum.org

Event Title
Paint Dancing
Name Prodigy School of Arts
Address 5725 La Jolla Blvd.
City La Jolla
State CA
Zip 92037
Opening Hours
Location South San Diego
Telephone 518-466-9584
Email dupuis.aimee@gmail.com
Web Site http://www.prodigyarts.com
Contact Aimee Dupuis  
Fee $20.00 per person
Reception Date 00-00-0000
Dates Starts On 02-25-2011   Ends On 02-25-2011
Opening Days
Event Description Ever heard of Paint Dancing? Come find out what the excitement is all about: You don't need to know how to paint or dance to have fun! Come burn some calories doing what you love. All materials supplied. Feel free to bring your own CD's, light snacks, and any specialty art items you would like. Please remember to dress appropriately for this event! RSVP by phone or email to book your spot by 2/22/2011. Limited seating.

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