Event Title
Omar Sosa Quarteto Americanos | Athenaeum Jazz Spring 2025 Concert | Scripps Research Institute Auditorium | La Jolla
Name Athenaeum Music & Arts Library
Address Scripps Research Auditorium 10620 John Jay Hopkin
City San Diego
State CA
Zip 92121
Opening Hours Scripps Research Auditorium 10620 John Jay Hopkins Drive San Diego, CA, 92121 Thursday, March 27, 2025 7:30 PM
Location North County Coastal
Telephone 858-454-5872
Email aabreu@ljathenaeum.org
Web Site https://www.ljathenaeum.org/events/jazz-25-0327
Contact Anira Abreu  
Fee $50 member / $55 nonmember
Reception Date 27-3-2025
Dates Starts On 27-3-2025   Ends On 27-3-2025
Opening Days
Event Description The spring series opens on Thursday, March 27, at Scripps Research with a long-anticipated local debut as a leader of acclaimed Cuban composer-pianist-bandleader Omar Sosa and his Quarteto Americanos, featuring Josh Jones on drums, Ernesto Mazar Kindelán on bass, and Sheldon Brown on sax, clarinet, and flute. Sosa is widely celebrated as one of the most versatile jazz artists on the scene today. His musical trajectory traces the African diaspora from Cuba to Brazil; from Central America to Ecuador’s African-descent communities; from San Francisco and New York to his current home base in Barcelona. True to his Afro-Cuban origins, Sosa fashions a spirited vision of uncompromising artistic generosity that embraces humanity at large. Nominated for seven Grammy awards and twice for the BBC World Music Awards, Sosa received a lifetime achievement award from the Smithsonian Associates in Washington, D.C., for his contribution to the development of Latin jazz in the United States.
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