SD Art PRIZE: Recognition of Excellence in the Visual Art
Every year the SD Art Prize Art Notes writers and previous SD Art Prize recipients along with the SD Art Prize committee nominates emerging artists as possible suggestions for the SD Art Prize established artists to mentor. These artists are all featured in the New Contemporaries exhibitions held at local sales galleries.

2011 New Contemporaries IV
Catalog IV

New Contemporaries IV at Alexander Salazar Fine Art
Aug 1 to Aug 31, 2011
VIP Opening Reception Monday Aug 1, 6 - 9 pm (+18 please)
Closing Reception: Sat, Aug 27, 6 - 9 pm
Mely Barragan, Adam Belt, Susannah Bielak, Fred Briscoe, Isaias Crow,
Shay Davis, Damian Gastellum, Gretchen Mercedes, Han Nguyen,
Jaime Ruiz Otis, Lee Puffer, Christopher Puzio, Cheryl Sorg
Photos of the show by Jack Foster Mancilla on Facebook
Photos by YCWong on Facebook, posted by Irina Negulescu, Effen Vodka reception
New Contemporaries IV, Kevis Freitas and Kinsee Moran, City Beat, Aug 2011t

Alexander Salazar Fine Art
1040 7th Avenue , SD, 92101
Exhibition hours: Tue - Sat 11 - 6, Saturday and Sunday by appointment
More info: alexandersalazarfineart@gmail.com 619-531-8996
Mely Barragan nominated by Einar and Jamex de la Torre, artists
Adam Belt nominated by Karen McGuire, William D. Cannon Art Gallery Director
Susannah Bielak nominated by Ann Berchtold, Art San Diego Fair Director
Fred Briscoe nominated by Alexander Salazar , Alexander Salazar Fine Art Director
Isaias Crow nominated by Alessandra Moctezuma , SD Mesa College Art Gallery Director
Shay Davis nominated by Debra Poteet , art collector
Damian Gastellum nominated by Julio Orozco, artist
Gretchen Mercedes nominated by Lauren Buscemi, art writer
Han Nguyen nominated by Robert Pincus, art critic
Jaime Ruiz Otis nominated by Heriberto Yepez , art writer
Lee Puffer nominated by Gail Roberts, artist
Christopher Puzio nominated by David Adey, artist
Cheryl Sorg nominated by Patricia Frischer, San Diego Visual Arts Network coordinator
- All Nominators will be writing about their nominee who is a local Avant Guarde artist i.e. one who is current and important in our day. We see these nominators as Champions of the artists they nominate.
- Nominators have never nominated an artist before for the SD Art Prize or New Contemporaries show
- All nominated artists will be included if they accept our invitation
Emerging artist definition: artist who are emerging with new, fresh ideas. This is not about the age of the artists or the exposure they have had, but what art they are creating now and in the past three to five years. We think of these artists as emerging from the darkness into the light of the public view.
SD Art Prize Mission: Fusing Energy for San Diego Visual Arts: Mentorship, Education, Recognition, Collaboration
If you believe in our mission, we are happy to accept your donations to support the San Diego ART PRIZE online or send any amount with checks made out to SDVAN to 2487 Montgomery Avenue, Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007. Please mark them for SD ART PRIZE. Visit the Support page of SDVAN to donate online.
To find out how these artist were chosen and lots of other information about the SD Art Prize read SD Art Prize Frequently Asked Questions |