Collecting Secrets Revealed
We asked the audience at our Arouse Yourself with Art seminars the following question:
“What would encourage you to buy more art?”
The following are some of the answers we received and additional tips on moving forward so that you can
- I’d like to be able to afford art that I like.
a. If you identify and then compare elements of work desired to elements in affordable emerging artists, there is no reason not to buy works from affordable artists. You may even have the pleasure of watching their prices soar.
b. You can group together to form an Art Club with friends to share expenses and art works.
c. You can use delayed payments schemes and spread the time you pay for a work
d. Allocate a monthly or yearly amount for art, or simple budget to afford a work you want.
e. Why not spend on art instead of other new furnishings? A great picture can make a whole room come alive.
- I need to find more room to display more art.
a. Buying a larger home is our favorite way to find more space for art.
b. Rotate art from storage to room or room to room.
c. Changing furniture around sometimes frees up room for art.
d. Try hanging salon style by putting as many pieces on one wall as possible.
e. Invite a curator to come in and re-hang your space. See it with fresh eyes.
f. Remember to ask yourself, “Can you ever have too many things to love?”
- How do I get more knowledge about art as an investment?
Read the article on Pricing and Appraisals written by Joan Siefried and Tax Advice by Ginger Broderick on the SmART Collector feature of SDVAN.
- I’d be more comfortable buying an artwork if I knew that if I make a mistake or outgrew the work, I could recoup my investment.
a. First, you can rotate your collection and put it away to rest for a while to make sure the work did not just fall out of fashion.
b. You can sell art on the secondary market with a gallery or in an auction. They do charge a commission for this service, but some galleries will let you buy up if you want to exchange a work.
c. Remember to give art to charity and take the deduction on your taxes.
d. Why not give art to a friend who has admired it
- It would be good to know more about how the art world functions.
Read the Overview of the Art World and learn how San Diego fits into the grand scheme.
- I would like to attain more information about the art and artist.
Check out the article on How to Expose Yourself to More Art to get help from professional scholars and to see a list of research resources as well as a list of all the places to see more art.
- How can I find art that appeals to me?
Nothing will substitute for using your own eyes and putting in the time. SmART Collectors Marketplace is a good place to start by going where art is on display, especially museums and sales galleries. Look for art districts which open all at the same time of the month in the SmART On Going Events . Art events occur everywhere and at a huge range of venues.
- I wish to understand more about the quality of the art.
The quality of art is subjective and is based on what is important to you personally. It may be a level of skill or depth of thought. It could be the very materials that are used or the technique, which is difficult and accomplished, or even the way the work is displayed. Price does not necessarily denote quality. You can start educating yourself with the SDVAN Bibliography that list research sources.
- Boasting my confidence level about my choices in art seems important.
a. Realize that this is something that you do for yourself, and much of the value that you will acquire from the work will come from the pleasure and that the learning you obtain from the experience of owning something you love.
b. We look toward art as a confirmation of self to connect, identify and reinforce our existence but we also strive for an expansion of self to explore the unknown, satisfy curiosity and answer questions.
c. Have an assessment made by a qualified appraiser and discover if work you have purchased has gone up in value.
- I want to develop a better appreciation of art.
Read a book or take a course in Art History and/or Art Appreciation. Books are available at Barnes and Nobles, Borders or on eBay. Take a course at one of the many adult education classes that are offered through our many universities.
- I’d like to become more fluent in art terminology.
Study the lists on SDVAN Bibliography with a special section on website with art terminology.
- I’d be more comfortable purchasing from friendly, welcoming galleries.
a. Look for galleries that have a good library that they encourage you to use.
b. Ask the gallery if they are willing to arrange artist studio visits.
c. Ask them to introduce you to other collectors so you can share your discoveries.
d. Check out the openings of art shows and join the party.
Compiled by Patricia Frischer and Darwin Slindee
and edited by Lisa Roche
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