Event Title
Craftivism Class: Paper Bead Necklaces
Name Womens Museum of CA
Address 404 Euclid Ave
City San Diego
State CA
Zip 92114
Opening Hours 6:00pm-8:00pm
Location Central San Diego
Telephone (619) 939-5234
Email info@womensmuseumca.org@womensmuseumca.org
Web Site https://www.eventbrite.com/e/craftivism-class-paper-bead-necklaces-tickets-537779562147
Contact Felicia Shaw  
Fee $10-$20
Reception Date 00-00-0000
Dates Starts On 04-19-2023   Ends On 04-19-2023
Opening Days
Event Description Join us for our April Craftivism Class and learn about Slow fashion. Slow Fashion is the idea of reusing and remaking old clothing or materials into something new. Instead of adding to the landfills, we can remake something. Paper beads are a fun way to use old magazine paper. We will use magazine paper to make a variety of beads that can be turned into jewelry. About Craftivism Classes: From yarn bombing to femmage, the Women's Museum's Craftivism Classes invites a local artist featured in the museum's current "Crafting Feminism" exhibit to teach participants a crafting skill and how they can use it in their activism. All classes are bilingual and taught in English and Spanish Non-WMC Members: $20 WMC Members: $10
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