Event Title
Fresh Works: San Diego Showcase (Part 2) - Exhibition
Name The Studio Door
Address 3867 Fourth Avenue
City San Diego
State CA
Zip 92103
Opening Hours Tuesday - Saturday 11 Am - 6 PM
Location Central San Diego
Telephone 619-255-2867
Email forallweknow@thestudiodoor.com
Web Site http://www.thestudiodoor.com
Contact Patric Stillman  
Fee Free to the Public
Reception Date 00-00-0000
Dates Starts On 05-01-2025   Ends On 05-30-2025
Opening Days
Event Description Regional survey of visual arts.
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Event Title
Class 08. Plein Air Workshop with Pat Kelly | On Location: La Jolla Village | Athenaeum Music & Arts Library: School of the Arts
Name Athenaeum Music & Arts Library
Address 1008 Wall St
City La Jolla
State CA
Zip 92037
Opening Hours Thursday–Friday, 9 AM–1:30 PM May 1 & 2 (2 days, 9 total hours of instruction) La Jolla Studio
Location North County Coastal
Telephone 858-454-5872
Email aabreu@ljathenaeum.org
Web Site https://www.ljathenaeum.org/class/8
Contact Anira Abreu  
Fee $140/160
Reception Date 05-01-2025
Dates Starts On 05-01-2025   Ends On 05-02-2025
Opening Days
Event Description In May we will be painting urban landscapes in the village around the Athenaeum library. This two-day workshop will focus on drawing skills, perspective, and architecture, and integrating them into the plein air process and composition. Meet up at the Athenaeum entrance. Grab a coffee (there will be a demo at the beginning of class), unwind, and gear up for an enjoyable day of painting. Class will conclude with an in-person critique in the studio Materials: portable easel; four 8” x 10” or 6” x 8”, good quality canvas boards; half-dozen brushes, white bristle flat or filbert, # 2, #4, #6. One medium-size steel palette knife; small, pointed round brush for detail #2–#4. Paper towels; odorless turpentine; small jar for turpentine, wood palette; oil paints: Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Medium, Cadmium Yellow Medium Cadmium Lemon, Phthalo Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Permalba White, Raw Umber, Cadmium Orange. Sun hat, insect repellent, old shirt, and sturdy shoes are suggested.
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