Event Title
Class 10. Plein Air Workshop with Kevin Inman | On Location: Villa Montezuma | Athenaeum Music & Arts Library: School of the Arts
Name Athenaeum Music & Arts Library
Address 1925 K St
City San Diego
State CA
Zip 92102
Opening Hours Thursday, 2–5 PM May 22 (1 day, 3 total hours of instruction) On location in Sherman Heights
Location Central San Diego
Telephone 858-454-5872
Email aabreu@ljathenaeum.org
Web Site https://www.ljathenaeum.org/class/10
Contact Anira Abreu  
Fee $100/120
Reception Date 05-22-2025
Dates Starts On 05-22-2025   Ends On 05-22-2025
Opening Days
Event Description This plein air painting class is taught on location in beautiful San Diego. Enjoy the golden afternoon light in the vibrant downtown neighborhood of Sherman Heights. The Villa Montezuma is a 19th century Victorian mansion set on a hill overlooking the city skyline and the bay. Join San Diego landscape painter Kevin Inman to learn how to paint spontaneously, simplify a complex subject, and enjoy the moment. Topics include color mixing, design, and how to let go of your inner critic. Materials: Recommended oil or acrylic colors (Gamblin and Rembrandt paints): Limited palette: Alizarin Crimson Permanent, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Ultramarine Blue, Titanium White. This palette saves money but limits your options in advanced painting techniques. Basic palette: Cadmium Yellow Medium (or Hue), Cadmium Yellow Deep (or Hue), Cadmium Red Medium (or Hue), Alizarin Crimson Permanent, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean Blue Hue, Titanium White, Burnt Umber, or preferred alternatives.
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