Donate $5* and Help Us Thrive
A little can mean a lot, and a little more can do more.
Your input helps SDVAN fashion our arts community.
Like every little dab of paint, every piece of collage, every pixel,
every little bit of your support adds to the SDVAN projects.
Thanks for doing your bit ..... And thanks a lot for doing a lot!
*All tax deductible donations $5 or more made between now and Dec 31, 2008 recognized online with a live link of your choice on this page. Join our list of 2008 supporters. Under $5, $25, $26 - $100, $101 - $200, $201-$1999. All donations of $25 or more are archived on our sponsors page
or Donate by check
Please make checks payable to San Diego Visual Arts Network and mail to:
c/o Patricia Frischer
2487 Montgomery Ave.
Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007
Immense thanks to the following for 2008 donations to SDVAN:
*denotes donation designated for SD Art Prize
Under $25
Amber Irwin
Irene Abraham
Mireille des Rosiers
Lauren Carrera
Michele Guieu
Rosemary KimBal
Marilyn Mitchell
Jo Caldwell
Carol Beth
Steve Gould
Kim Treffinger
Perry Vasquez
Lori Lipsman
Ellen Dieter
Maic Palmieri
Jeffrey R. Brosbe
Marti Kranzberg
Tania Alcala
Katherine Sweetman
Melodie Baker
Claire Slattery
Friends of East County Arts
Cheryl Nickel
West Coast Drawing
Judith d’Agostino
Connie Cannon
Glass Ranch - Cherrie La Porte and Garry Cohen)
Seminars in Art Law - Jeff Slattery
Judy Mandolf
Laurie Mika
Cheryl Tall
Arnaud International - Daniele Arnaud
Seyo Cizmic
Madelynn Engle
Joanne Dramko
James Respess
Viviana Lombrozo
Vicky DeLong
$26 - $100
*Kennan E Kaeder
Lynn Jenning SD Guild of Puppetry
Dave Ghilarducci
Jill Le Croissette
Shauna Peck
Cynthia Bis-Sevon
*Ron Newby Bronowski Art and Science Forum, Salk Institute
Pam Buchan
Florence Frischer
Naomi Nussbaum
Karen Fox
Doug and Alice Diamond
James Robbins
Catherine Sass Art at the Port of San Diego
Eli Hans Sublime Design
Joseph Bennett
Patty Smith for Judy Spuris
Pierrette Van Cleve Van Cleve Fine Art
Ralyn and Nate Wolfstein Wolfstein Sculpture Park at Scripps Hospitals
Ralyn and Nate Wolfstein for Jeffrey Laudenslager
Jane La Fazio
Distinction Gallery
Kevin Freitas - Art As Authority
John Valois
Mollie Kellogg
Lilly Fluger
Dennis Paul Batt - Museum Artists Foundation
Peter Liebig
Grace Grey- Adams
Kelly Mellos
Donna Butnik
Kim MacConnel
$101 to $200
St. Madeleine Sophie's Center
Naimeh Tahna Studio Vivace
Jill Le Croissette
Alice and Doug Diamond
$201 to $1999
Stephen Churchill Art Of Photography
*Coop and Patti Cooprider
*Cap and Julie Pinney
Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation - Irene de Watteville
Patty Smith Art Expressions Gallery
The Andrews Gallery