REAL ART WEST: Art a la mode
(Don't forget - Check out the Picked RAW choices for next month)
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RAW January 2015
“All those who believe in psycho kinesis, raise my hand.” Steven Wright

Conrad Prebys and Debbie Turner have made it possible for the The San Diego Museum of Art to acquired Francisco de Zurbaran’s St. Francis in Prayer in a Grotto (ca. 1650-1655) now on view in the upper galleries. Roxana Velasquez made the introduction of this work and the donors as a recent preview.
The Artist Odyssey is a project headed by the local San DiegoArtrepreneur Chris Fessenden as a global arts network. They intend to deliver premium arts television and support arts education with a series of artist interviews with photographers, filmmakers, musicians, visual, and performing artists. They will be charging $5/month or $50/year for unlimited access to their archive of premium, commercial-free arts entertainment, streamed on-demand to your devices. Watch for their Kickstarter campaign.
Noel Baza has landed on their feet in a new space at The San Diego History Center in Balboa Park. They will put on a variety of shows in this space which they are treating as a pop-up gallery.
Deborah Szekely, Founder & Chair is delighted to announce the reawakening of New Americans Museum at Liberty Station. Rediscover a museum that is not a collection of artifacts, but rather a gathering of living ideas and ideals.
Ginger Porcella announced the February line up for the SD Art Institute with some exciting programs, many of which artists of all levels can participate. She announced two new full-time staff members, Kevin Freligh as Director of Visitor Experience and Andrew Rae in charge of Education. They also welcome their first ever Curator-in-Residence, Alex Young . San Diego Keeps Her Promise: Balboa Park at 100 is a group exhibition collaboration with Francis French opens Feb 23.SDAI is hosting a portfolio review workshop for HS Students in Tijuana and San Diego who want to learn more about the great arts programs at local universities. On Sat, Feb 28th, go to SDAI to experience MAS Attack in collaboration with the Torrance Art Museum. They have invited 75 Los Angeles artists and 75 SD artists to participate for one night of networking and partying. You are not to late to enter the 53rd International Exhibition, which will be juried by David A. Ross, currently the Chair of the MFA in Art Practice at the School of Visual Art in New York City and previously director at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art and The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston
It appears that the Pacific View school in Encinitas might be made, at least temporarily, into museum of art, history, culture, and the environment. Watch this space.
Congratulation to Manuelita Brown . Her sculpture Sojourner Truth was installed on Ridge Walk, Thurgood Marshall Campus at the University of California, SD late last year and is now on view to the public.
STEAMConnect is hosting its 2nd Annual Ascend Conference at Irwin M. Jacobs Qualcomm Hall on Thursday, March 5. The conference will bring together more than 400 pre-K-16 educators, school administrators, nonprofits, business leaders, funders and policymakers interested or engaged in the integration of arts and creative practices in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. More info: Kim Richards
Cathy Breslaw is a whirl wind this year. Besides writing for our Picked RAW Peeled column, she is showing her own work now in Alexandre Hogue Gallery, University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Rose Gallery at Francis Parker School SD at the end of Mark, Mesa College Art Gallery starting in September and Meadows Gallery, Greater Denton Texas Arts Center in Oct.
The first 2015 meeting of NCAN (North County Arts Network....Weconsider this an homage to SDVAN!) was held this month arranged by Daniel Foster from the Oceanside Museum of Art at the new School of Arts at Cal State University, San Marcos. The goal is to arrange collaborations through networking and share best practices. I think eventually it could be an advocacy group as well. Craig Watson, director of the California Arts Council was the key speaker and his budget has doubled to $10 million, still small potatoes as California is 44 th down the list of state funding of the arts. One important point he made was that we need a SD Arts Council that serves the whole county. It needs one person who wakes up every morning and thinks about what is good for the arts community and how the arts serve the county. It needs three supervisors to approve the county wide council in order to get funding from CA Arts Council. The funding is only about $20,000 from CAC but we have also been promised money and an office from Supervisors Vice Chairman Dave Roberts who was present at this presentation. If we can get two more supervisors to agree we could at least get a part time position started. But that might be a long way off as things move very, very slowly in politics. Hopefully in the north county, Supervisor Chairman Horn, who was also present, will hear from these people in NCAN that that is what they want. Mark your calendar for April 116, July 16 and Oct 15 for future events this year held in CA Center for the Arts Escondido, Lux Art Institute and Oceanside Museum of Art. Daniel Foster is spearheading this new organization with help from Jim Gilliam, Patricia Frischer, Naomi Nussbaum, Marilyn Huerta, Jacquelyn Kilpatrick, Jerry Van Leeuwen, Reesey Shaw, Vincent Kitch, and Jerry Kern.
Congratulations to Rosemary KimBal for her article in San Diego Home and Gardens in the January issue. Rosemary tells me the phone has been ringing off the hook for classes and sales since the article came out. The article is titled Mindful Movements and Rosemary’s company is called Dancing Brush.
“Hello, My Name Is...” tells the stories and dreams of travel, relocation and growing up. Students from the New Arrival Center worked with Lynn Susholtz and their teachers to create art that tells stories of their travels from their home countries. The reception is Friday, February 6th 5-7pm at Bread & Cie Bakery & Café ( 350 University Avenue, SD 92103)
Congratulation to visual and performance artists Brian Goeltzenleuchter, Bhavna Mehta, Matthew Hebert, Noe Olivas, and Roberto Salas as five of the recipient of the SD Foundation 2015 Creative Catalys award. This is the third year of the award stated by the former arts director Felicia Shaw and each one get $20,000.
Reports on SDVAN
State of the Arts 2014: Are these the Questions for 2015? A+ Art Blog by Patricia Frischer
Hobby Store Heaven A+ Art Blog by Patricia Frischer
Omar Lopex: An exhibit of Pretend Families at the Oceanside Museum of Art Picked RAW Peeled Interview by Joe Nalven
Balboa Park Centennial Art Surveys Picked RAW Peeled and Daily Nag by Patricia Frischer
In the Studio at CCAC EscondidoPicked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
North County Arts Network Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
La Jolla: R.B Stevenson, Quint Athenaeum Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
OPPORTUNITIES (click to see a list of all current opportunities listed on SDVAN)
SOCAL in the 21st Century is a call for artist from the San Diego Art Institute with a deadline for submissions Feb 13, 2015 and an exhibition opening March 7, 2015. The curator-in-residence Alex Young . How do we approach the idea of a sustainable urban future within the spatial, historical, and social conditions of the Southern California megapolitan region and it's geopolitical 'centers': Los Angeles and San Diego/Tijuana? Artists, designers, architects, and other cultural producers are encouraged to submit for consideration projects and proposals that engage or expand upon this notion. More info: director@sandiego-art.org 619.236.0011
Art on 30 th is making a call for artists for their Feb theme: All You Need is Love from Feb.14 - March 30. entry form is online. For more info: Ari Kate Ashton 619-894-9009
Mingei International Museum presents Black Doll from the collection of Deborah Neff. They will be showing over 100 unique handmade African-American dolls made between 1850 and 1940 starting Feb 7.
The San Diego Museum of Art has acquired two new works of art. Conrad Prebys and Debbie Turner donated for the acquisition of the Francisco de Zurbaran’s St. Francis in Prayer in a Grotto (ca. 1650-1655), and the Legler Benbough Foundation’s donation led to the acquisition of the Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida’s By the Seashore, Valencia (1908).
Oceanside Museum of Art James Aitchison: Nude on Nude is a special life-drawing workshop with James Aitchison to celebrate Naked: 20th Century Nudes from the Dijkstra Collection in the Grosse Gallery The gallery will become an inspirational atelier on Sundays from 10AM to Noon, from February 1 to March 8.
The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego Laugh-In: Art, Comedy, Performance in La Jolla explores the recent turn toward comedic performance in contemporary art. The exhibition presents the work of 20 artists who engage strategies of stand-up comedy as a means to reframe questions surrounding performance, audience, and public speech. On Mon, Jan 26 at 2 PM join a gallery walkthrough led by Associate Curator Jill Dawsey. This tour and conversation invites visitors to ask questions and learn about Laugh-in artists' processes, or particular works of art. The fee for this event is included in Museum admission.
Lux Art Institute Landscapes and abstractions seamlessly relate in Julian Kreimer’s oil paintings as he explores the terrain between the two with.lush color combinations applied in quick, fluid strokes.In the studio from Jan 24 to Feb 21.
The San Diego History Center has two new shows:Masterworks of the Exposition Era which has some of the original works form the 1915 plein aire exposition and the pop up landscape show Under The Same Sky organized by Noel Baza Fine art.
New Children’s Museum Eat Better Art is a series of cooking classes designed to bring parents and children together in the kitchen as they learn about good nutrition and create delicious dishes! Each child and adult pair will create seasonal dishes with the assistance of our experienced teaching chefs. At the end of class, participants will be able to enjoy the delicious foods that they made. Participants will also be able to take home the recipes and the special art project they complete.
Timken Museum of Art is having a Study Day Pasadena to visit Pacific Asia Museum & Norton Simon Museum on Thurs.Feb 5.
San Diego Museum of ManTower After Hours: Ireland! Is a taste of delicious Irish pub fare from local eateries, lively performances of music and dance, and a cold Guinness on Thurs. Feb.26, , from 6 to 8 p.m. Tickets: $15 for Museum Members and $30 for E-Club Members.
Starting January 31 at Reuben H.Fleet Science Museumyou can try your own messy, loud and shocking experiments when they debut the Tinkering Studio: Don't Try This at Home! Watch the chaos of a roll of toilet paper combined with a leaf blower, see bananas get used as hammers and witness an epic ping pong ball explosion! They provide tools, supplies and inspiration to maximize your tinkering fun. Sounds like wonderful fun.
Felicia Shaw has left the SD Foundation to join the staff as interim executive director at Young Audience San Diego.
Lauren Lockhart is the new art program manager at the San Diego International Airport . Educated at UCRiverside, Ms. Lockhart was previously employed at Lux Art Institute, The New Children’s Museum and the National Gallery of Art. She makes the fifth new hire in 2014.. Dana Springs at the SD Commission for Arts and Culture, Ginger Shulick Porcella at the San Diego Art Institute, Anita Feldman at SD Museum of Art and Annabelle Selldorf at the Museum of Contemporary Art. Way to go, ladies!
Oceanside Museum of Art has hired Raziah Roushan as the full time director of marketing. We am looking forward to seeing many more listing from them on SDVAN. Greg Snear is the new Director of Development.
Japanese prosecutors charged a feminist artist Megumi Igarashi's who makes objects shaped like her own vagina with distributing "obscene" data. The charges follow arrest this month after she raised funds online to pay for a genital-shaped kayak which she made on a 3D printer.
Artists in San Francisco Are Worried Gentrification: Artists in Emeryville Saw It Coming is a Huffington Post article by John Eger about affordable work/live spaces and some interesting moves being made to support non-profits who are helping artist to stay put in creative communities.
For art students looking for further education Affordable Colleges Online, recently updated their guidebook for students looking to pursue an education in the arts including: How to choose a quality online art program, a timeline for art program completion and a detailed look at available online art programs
Art Space is declaring the following four trends to watch in 2015: late-career comebacks, Internet obsessions, t souped-up abstraction, and environmental art.
The newest presentation in the acclaimed Without Walls(WoW) from the La Jolla Playhouse series kicks off with THE GRIFT, a noir-inspired experience that takes audiences on an interactive, site-specific journey through the extraordinary rooms and spaces of North Park's 1940s-era landmark, The Lafayette Hotel. The art of the con is part of the action in this clue-solving group adventure that's part game, part drama, all Wow!
Have you got tidbits that you want to broadcast. Contact info@sdvisualarts.net
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February, 2015
Overheard: As two women were leaving my booth , after much oohing and aahing, one turned to the other and said "If you put a gun to my head, I couldn't paint my way out of a paper bag"

In celebration of Balboa Park's 100 th anniversary, the San Diego Art Institute in partnership with artists Kate Clark and Hermione Spriggs held an afternoon of performance art and life drawing in the Zoro Butterfly Garden in Balboa Park, formerly Zoro Gardens Nudist Colony during the 1935 Panama Pacific Exposition. .
A monumental temporary public art exhibit is now on display on the waterfront of San Diego Bay. Our Silences by the Mexican artist Rivelino, was officially unveiled in late January at Ruocco Park near downtown San Diego. The artwork consists of 10 large bronze figures, each standing 11 ½-feet tall and weighing approximately one ton. Each figure has a metal plate covering its mouth, representing the importance of freedom of expression.
“After two years of debate and discussion -- by artists and art teachers, school principals and administrators and public policy gurus-- the 100 people appointed by Tom Torlakson, California Superintendent of Education released California's "Blueprint for Creative Schools." So says John Eger in his Huffington Post article, California Blueprint for Creative Schools Unveiled. The article is well written as always and gives a great overview of the past, present and future of the role of the arts in education.However, there is current draft federal bill on education that contains a number of provisions that would be terrible for arts education should they become law. Among the problematic provisions, this bill: Deletes the definition of "core academic subjects," which includes the arts!: Terminates the $1 billion 21st Century Community Learning Center after-school program, which supports arts education; Terminates the small, but mighty, federal Arts In Education program which has supported over 200 model grant programs for over a decade; and Omits indicators of student access to the arts as part of annual state reporting (example is New Jersey's report) that help identify the equity gap. You can respond to this with a link provided by American for the Arts.
Cultural districts are booming across the country and are definitely making a mark in their cities. Americans for the Arts has put together an invaluable toolbox for those interested in cultural districts. Be sure to take a look.
It is exciting to check out what Discovery Point with its Pavilion and Sky Wheel could bring to the Port of San Diego. This project is the love child of David Malmuth and Charles Black with SeaWorld San Diego and promised not only to be a huge attraction but with the help of SoSo Limited has the potential to be a kinetic work of art. David envisions the lights of the Sky Wheel communicating with the lights of Coronado Bridge. I can’t wait to see this tourist magnet and be one of the first to see SD from a new perspective.
Smitten, 2Sweet, Melt With You, Cereal Killers: Death Blossom, Donuts or Bust, Pick Apart the Pixels. What do these titles have in common? They are all exhibition titles of shows at Thumbprint Gallery. We love getting their email just to have a chuckle.
Great thanks goes to the Athenaeum Music and Arts Library ( 1001 Wall St., La Jolla) for holding a memorial exhibition of the works of Ernest Silva who we lost last year. In Memory, Voyage, Full Moon, an exhibition featuring Silva's early paintings and drawings. The show runs until March 21. Ernest Silva was one of the first three SD Art Prize established artists in 2006.
Prisoners create art for public viewing to raise awareness of local partnership between Wild Willow Farms and RJ Donovan State Prison in San Diego to create a sustainable F.A.R.M. inside the prison fence. Mesa Community College museum studies students donated their time to assist with the exhibit at Con Pane Café ( 2750 Dewey Rd Ste 105, SD, 92106)
The San Diego Brain Injured Foundation is holding an exhibition in the offices they moved to last year at the NTC Liberty Station, Barracks 16, 2730 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 205, SD. The show will feature the work of Kyle Cooprider and will open on March 6 at 5:30. Kyle is a survivor of catastrophic brain injury and his art work is an example of how art can bring purpose to him and those around him. This is one of Liberty Stations First Friday nights so make sure and check out Valencia Gallery (where the New Contemporaries VIII will show opening on Fri. May 1) and Women's Museum of California both of which are in Barracks 16. For more information contact Susan Hansen 619.294.6541.
Quint Gallery ( 7547 Girard Avenue, La Jolla 92037) announces the opening of Lightening, the sixth solo exhibition for Roman de Salvo (SD Art Prize recipient) at Quint Gallery in the past twenty years since 1995. This is an exhibition of sculptures that resist the dead weight and inanimate nature of their materials through an infusion of light and a sense of lightness. The opening is Sat. March 14 from 6 to 8 pm and the show continues until April 4. More info Nina Makosch 858-454-3409
The San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild has announced a series of lectures to be held at the NTC Foundation the third Sat of the month from 10 am to noon. : Sat. March 21, 2015: Concetta Antico: Direct Painting Techniques, Capturing a Moment in One Sitting., Sat, April 18, 2015: "Face It” - Approach drawing the always intriguing Human Face from new Angles with Artist, Jody Abssy, Sat., May 16, 2015: Demonstration and Discussion of Printmaking Techniques with Printmakers Julianne Ricksecker and Angelika Villagrana.
Adelman Fine Art (1980 Kettner, SD) is Little Italy’s newest contemporary fine art gallery. It will be open to the public on Friday, March 13. We welcome this new space run by a mother daughter team. You may have seen them at Art SD Contemporary Fair where they had a booth directly across from the SD Art Prize last November.
The San Diego Comic Art Gallery will be a unique, new and dynamic space located within the IDW offices at the NTC Liberty Station. It is designed to educate and engage the local San Diego community and the region of Southern California with the sequential comic book and graphic arts. The first installation will be an extensive showcase of the work of Kevin Eastman, co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and local San Diego resident. The Grand Opening is scheduled for June 1, 2015
The Gotthelf Art Gallery ( at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, 4126 Executive Drive, La Jolla, 92037) "food for thought " series continues with Seeing Is Believing: A Reinvention of Articles of Faith curated by Larry & Debby Kline which starting Wednesday March 11. More info: gallery@lfjcc.org
Reports on SDVAN
Mission Federal Art Walk April 2015 preview Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
Terrestrial Group Exhibition at City College Gallery Picked RAW Peeled by Vanessa Christie
Joseph Bellows Gallery, Living Arrangements, Group Exhibition Spanning Several Decades Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
Quint Gallery Shows Thomas Glassford's Mirrored Surfaces in Solar Plexus Picked Rope by Cathy Breslaw
Mesa College Exhibits 6 Artists in Reshaping the 2%: Contemporary Ceramics Picked Rope by Cathy Breslaw
Crow at Studio Door Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Balboa Park at 100 Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
County Wide Reports
A comeback for visual art at California Center for the Arts, Escondido City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Mexican sculpture in San Diego Union Tribune by Sandra Dibble
Art of the Day: Tony Gwynn painting presented to San Diego St. CBS Sport by Dayn Pery
Guild supports art program for homeless youth Union Tribune by Linda McIntosh
Lemon Grove residents get a large-scale mural City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Cover artist, Terri Beth Mitchell City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
A Brief History of Wacky Waterfront Projects Voice of San Diego by Randy Dotinga
2015 Guide to SD Art Readers by various including Barbarella and Chad Deal
A revamp for North Park’s Ray at Night City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Low Gallery moves to Barrio Logan City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Jamex and Einar de la Torre: Giant robot finds a home in Logan Heights City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Exhibit In La Jolla Imagines Alternate Future For Lost Buildings KPBS by Angela Carone
Encinitas moves on art museum plan SD Union Tribune by Barbara Henry
An architect's unifying vision for MCASD SD Union Tribune by James Chute
Voice of San Diego Cultural Reports By Alex Zaragoza
Culture Report: Race in Entertainment Comes Into Focus
Culture Report: We Get It, San Diego. You Like Jason Mraz.
Culture Report: Save La Concha
Culture Report: The Waterfront Is Wildin’ Out
OPPORTUNITIES (click to see a list of all current opportunities listed on SDVAN)
Booth Sponsors needed for the inaugural Creative Career Expo helping San Diego’s diverse population of high school youth and young adults to build awareness, essential skills and opportunities for them within the many creative industries that are crucial to the 21st Century. Media Arts Center is sponsoring this mid March event at 2921 El Cajon Blvd, SD 92104. More info: Ethan van Thillo 619-230-1938
Four California Arts Council (CAC) grant programs will begin accepting applications for 2015 in early Feb. The categories are: Creative California Communities, Artists in Schools, Local Impact (formerly Creating Places of Vitality), and Statewide Networks. Guidelines are available here.
Sign up to volunteer at the 2015 Mission Federal ArtWalk. They have about 250 volunteers the opportunity to get involved on event days, this year taking place April 25 & 26, with a few positions during the month of April. As a Mission Federal ArtWalk volunteer, you receive our official 2015 T-shirt and may participate in a "volunteers-only" raffle of great artwork and prizes, donated by our artists and sponsors. Minimum age to volunteer is 16 years. Access the online volunteer registration system here.
San Diego Art Institute currently has tan open call for artists to participate in upcoming 53rd International Show, juried by David A. Ross . David A. Ross has a 40-year career as an art museum professional and curator. He is currently the Chair of the MFA in Art Practice at the School of Visual Art in New York City. Due date is March 15.
The North County Society of Fine Arts is holding its Annual Open Juried Show during the month of April at Poway Center For Performing Arts. The Exhibit will be juried by Elaine Harvey, There will be cash awards for First, Second, Third Place and Best of Show. T Deadline for entries is March 2 and take-in is scheduled for March 27.Registration is handled through OnlineJuriedShows.com. Prospectus from www.onlinejuriedshows.com
The San Diego County Fair 2015 has now opened the Competitive Exhibits. Please visit the website to see the criteria for your category.
Oceanside Art Walk 1st Friday: is an ongoing opportunity to showcase your art in Oceanside. Over 1,000 regional residents are expected to attend the First Friday of every month from 6 to 9 pm, Put on by dozens of businesses and showcasing dozens of artists, artist are invited to contact Gailee Walker Wells
Paper Pattern Story is a celebration of repetition, beauty, and community. You are invited to participate in a free workshop series with artist Bhavna Mehta (SDVAN SD Art Prize recipient 2015 showing at the Athenaeum starting March 27) to bind a journal and fill it with drawings and cut patterns from your daily life. Images may be used as inspiration to create Mehta’s exhibition at Oceanside Museum of Art September 4-October 31, 2015.
Devon Browning has a private art studio to share. $150, 24 hr access, all utilities included. This sounds like a great place to paint or create located at La Bodega studios in Barrio Logan, just south of downtown. For more info contact Devon 262-215-4965
SD Mesa College Art Gallery students are looking for artists for exhibition at Mission Valley Library for April - May. Submit your website, artist’s statement to mesamuseumstudies@gmail.com . Deadline is March 1, midnight. More info: 619.388.2829
Thumbprint Gallery is looking for an intern/volunteer. This is volunteer opportunity is for anyone looking to gain experience working with a local art gallery and networking with a diverse population of artists. 3 consecutive months of volunteer service is preferred. There is a potential for earned sales commission. They are also making a call for artists. to showcase and sell their original artwork while occasionally testing the adaptability of their work and networking with a diverse community of artists. Art exhibitions are held both at the gallery as well as offsite venues in collaboration with local small businesses. Send them a link to your website or attach no more than 5 images of your work. For more info: Paul Ecdao 619 203-6030
Heads up for two new shows opening in March at The San Diego Museum of Art. Divine Desire: Printmaking, Mythology and the Birth of the Baroque (March 28 to June 30,) features more than 70 engravings produced in Northern Europe and Italy in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. Each print features imagery that revolves around the mythology of classical antiquity and the romantic entanglements of the gods and goddesses of the Greek and Roman pantheons. Lalla Essaydi: Photographs, 2005-13 (March 28 to August 4) features 10 large-scale photographs from this Moroccan-born, New York–based photographer. She explores the issues surrounding the role of women in Arab culture and their representations in the Western European artistic tradition. Several works will be on display in a dedicated gallery, while others will be placed as interventions alongside the Museum’s Permanent Collection There will be an artist talk: on Sat., March 28 - 10:30 a.m. Free after Museum admission.
Oceanside Museum of Art is hosting a stairwell installation by David Fobes through the summer. PEER is a site-specific installation of color duct tape which challenges, as you climb or descent, your perception and reconciliation of a two-dimensional construct in three-dimensional space.
The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego 15th Annual Axline Lecture Featuring El Anatsui is on Sat March 7 from 11 AM-12:30 PM in La Jolla. Gravity and Grace: Monumental Works by El Anatsui, is on view downtown. El Anatsui is an internationally renowned artist best known for transforming simple materials into complex assemblages that create a distinctive visual impact. The Spring Thing: Heavy Metals is the fundraiser on March 20 from 7 pm to midnight. Be inspired by Gravity and Grace: Monumental Works by El Anatsui, an exhibition featuring a celebrated artist who transforms discarded materials into glimmering artworks of monumental beauty. Tickets to the 7 pm Artful Dining portion are $150 for Avant Garde Members and $175 for public which includes dinner, drinks, and bites all night long, and access to the VIP Mixology Lounge! The Late Night Party Guests start at 8:30 PM and is $75 for Avant Garde Members and$100 for the public.
Reuben H.Fleet Science Museum has a busy year n 2015 with the following exhibitions and films: Humpback Whales, Journey to Space, PowerPlay, CIRCUS! Science Under the Big Top and Imaginate. We thought we would also see the STEAM Innovation Incubator exhibition but no news of that yet.
The San Diego History Center opens What Was Is, featuring 24 buildings that have been lost or destroyed in La Jolla and San Diego and imagines how they might be used today, if they’d been saved.Roman de Salvo, Jean Lowe, Jennifer Luce, James Enos and the team of Roy McMakin and Tom Mulica are all involved in this project...
Low Gallery is moving from North Park to 1878 Main St. which is in Barrio Logan. The modern art gallery run by Meegan Nolan is now entered through an alleyway off Cesar Chavez Parkway. We understand the rents are much less for a larger space. Check them out at the next Barrio Logan Art Crawl on Feb 28.
The Factory is moving to Bread and Salt in Logan Heights.
Patric Stilman's Studio Door is moving from the old Art Department on Ray Street to a corner site at 30th and Gunn just down from the Art Academy.
Jennifer Oliver is leaving Young Audiences for a new position as Artistic Director of A Step Beyond located at The California Center for the Performing Arts in Escondido.
We loved Ellen Degeneres starting her own Project Runway–style furniture-design reality show . Check it out for yourself.
Patricia Frischer , SDVAN coordinator, was asked to do an interview for a book of photography. Paris artist Olivier Meyer just published London Nothing New.
Have you got tidbits that you want to broadcast. Contact info@sdvisualarts.net
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RAW March 2015
Overheard: Overheard: "Can I get the frame without the painting?"

Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida ’s By the Seashore, Valencia is the newest acquisition at The San Diego Museum of Art. It is part of the permanent collection thanks to the generosity of the Legler Benbough Foundation
The opening reception for the San Diego Art Prize 2014 at Athenaeum Music & Arts Library is on Friday, March 27, 6:30-8:30PM . The exhibition still runs from March 28-May 2, 2015 Marianela de la Hoz with emerging artist Bhavna Mehta and Philipp Scholz Rittermann with emerging artist Joseph Huppert. We will be announcing the 2015 SD Art Prize established artist recipients at this event.
New Contemporaries VIII at Valencia Gallery Fri. May 1 to Fri. May 29. We hope you save the date and we see you at the Opening Reception: Fri. May 1, 6-9 pm. Help us celebrate the talent of these artists:Atara Baker, Claudia Cano, Larry Edwin Caveney, Andrea Chung, Collective Magpie, scott b. davis, Tom Demello, Prudence Horne, Jim Hornung, Beliz Iristay, Jessica McCambly, Marco Miranda, Tim Murdoch
The Athenaeum School of Art in Park Blvd. is moving to a new wonderful location in Barrio Logan and will become an improved Athenaeum Art Center. They will still teach classes but also have a gallery and community rooms for all sorts of activities. So for this spring while they move, classes will be held at the La Jolla location Athenaeum Music & Arts Library
Congratulation to Brian Goeltzenleuchter ( A literary reading that is choreographed to coincide with an orchestrated delivery of artist-made fragrances) , Matthew Hebert (Solar-powered, kinetic dioramas built from used filing cabinets), Bhavna Mehta (Cut paperart installation), Noe Olivas (A 1967 Chevy Step Van), and Roberto Salas (Large-scale Plasticine sculptures). These are the SD Foundation 2015 Creative Catalyst award winners and will each get $20,000 to create a project that will make San Diego a better place to live.
Mark Bradford is the latest artist to have a work of art as part of the Murals of La Jolla project. Sexy Cash is an abstraction but based on lamppost signs with the words Sexy Cash placed during the housing market crash. Bradford re-appropriated these signs into an artistic statement by adjusting the size and breaking down the formal qualities of the poster to create an almost imperceptible ambiguity.
Get ready to Rock and Roll, The Artist Odyssey Kickstarter Launch Partyis coming up on Sat, April 18, 7pm-10pm
Imaginings is a solo exhibition by Cathy Breslaw ,at the Rose Galleryof Francis Parker School which runs until May 5. Ms. Breslaw writes for the SDVAN Picked RAW Peeled blog. Here is your chance to see what she creaties. For more info: Jaclyn Enck,Gallery
The Encinitas Arts Festival is Sunday March 29, 12:00-4:00pm. at San Dieguito Academy Performing Arts Center, (800 Santa Fe Drive, Encinitas, 92024). Free With Dragon Knights Stilt Theater, Ballet Folklorico, Encinitas Ballet: Sleeping Beauty, Coastal Communities Concert Band, North County School of the Arts: Bye Bye Birdie, SDA Concert Band, ImagoMOVES, and many more! More info: Jim Gilliam 760-633-2746
Reports on SDVAN
MAS Attack 8 Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Oceanside Art Walk Picked Ripe by Vanessa Christie
7 Billion Others Project at Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
Model and Muse: Photography Exhibition by Hendrik Kerstens at The Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
Environmental Concerns Fuel Jeff Irwin's Sculpture Exhibition at RB Stevenson Gallery, La Jolla Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
Sparks Gallery: Art Family Style Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
It was art for artists’ sakes at Balboa Park meetup for San Diego Art Institute’s MAS Picked RAW Peeled and La Jolla Light by Lonnie Berstein Hewitt
County Wide Reports
Sam Ballard says he’s ready to give up on North Park City Beat Kinsee Morlan
Sparks Gallery to inject art into the Gaslamp City Beat Kinsee Morlan
Appreciating unique garden, supporting art Union Tribune by Tom Pfingsten
Partying with the artsy elite City Beat by Alex Zaragoza
San Diego African American Museum of Fine Art lives on City Beat Kinsee Morlan
Meet our cover artist, Aaron Glasson City Beat Kinsee Morlan
Artists present MAS Attack show in Balboa Park CBS8 TV
Creative Catalyst winners announced Union Tribune by James Chute
San Diego Museum Unveils ‘Fragile Waters’ Exhibit KPBS by Dwane Brown
Black Dolls' memorable at Mingei Union Tribune by James Chute
'Universal Dissolvent' at SDAI Union Tribune by James Chute
Wikipedia’s women problem City Beat Kinsee Morlan
Los Angeles street art is coming to Carlsbad City Beat Kinsee Morlan
FoundationForForm’s hands-on urban infill City Beat Kinsee Morlan
Stunning El Anatsui Exhibit On Display At MCASD KPBS by Angela Carone
UCSD grad students open up City Beat by Seth Combs
Park donates $1 million in passes to community Union Tribune by James Chute
Arguing for STEAM on Arts Advocacy Day Huffington Post by John Eger
Tom Driscoll is a conehead City Beat by Seth Combs
Picturing a San Diego Dream: Exhibits at L Street Fine Art and the Oceanside Museum of Art by Joe Nalven
Voice of San Diego Cultural Reports By Alex Zaragoza
Culture Report: Seeds for Food Desert Change
Culture Report: 45 Questions to Save the World
Culture Report: City Ballet Loses Its Live Music
Culture Report: Courting the Quartyard
Culture Report: New Opera in Town
OPPORTUNITIES (click to see a list of all current opportunities listed on SDVAN)
The Studio Door is making a call for submission for an international exhibition of visual art themed Once Upon A Time running from June 2 - 28, 2015 and the deadline for entry is March 31. The juror is Christine Knoke, Director of Exhibitions and Chief Curator, Mingei International Museum For complete details, or contact Patric Stillman 619-994-2263
Space 4 Art is looking for an Intern Architect. This position will be crucial in taking part and leading construction projects, developing designs of diverse architectural projects and working with community members to gather feedback and input about projects. They are looking for an enthusiastic, committed individual who is excited to join a hard-working, mission driven team. For full job description visit http://www.sdspace4art.org/opportunities/ or call 619 269 7230, sdspace4art@gmail.com
Gaidi Finnie , executive director of the San Diego African American Museum of Fine Art, led a discussion after a screening of the documentary Why Do You Have Black Dolls? at Mingei International MuseumHe alsohosted a discussion, Black Art, Memorabilia and Collectibles, focusing on the responses evoked by historical art objects depicting African Americans.
Oceanside Museum of Art has added to the California Dreaming exhibition with a special upstairs showing of artists on this theme that are exclusively in the San Diego regions. San Diego Dreaming and the new exhibition Ruth Jameson: Emergence are both on until June 21. Watch for 100 Artists, 100 Years: The San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild, 1915-2015 from April 18 - July 26
The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego downtown Be inspired by Gravity and Grace: Monumental Works by El Anatsui, an exhibition featuring a celebrated artist who transforms discarded materials into glimmering artworks of monumental beauty Also on view.Dear Nemesis, Nicole Eisenman 1993-2013at its La Jolla location. The exhibition is the largest midcareer survey to date of the celebrated New York artist and will remain on-view through Sept 6. Organized by the Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis (CAM), and arrives in San Diego following its showing at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) at the University of Pennsylvania. The exhibition includes more than 120 works, charting the development of Eisenman's practice across painting, printmaking, drawing, and sculpture from the 1990s to the present.
Remember The San Diego Museum of Art opens Lalla Essaydi: Photographs, 2005-13 (March 28 to August 4) features 10 large-scale photographs from this Moroccan-born, New York–based photographer.
Reuben H.Fleet Science Museum is now playing Journey to Space,
I am sure that the staff of Lux Institute is sorry to see Collette Murphy Stefanko leaves her job at that organization that was so humanized by her work there. We understand her former position has been eliminated.
A huge congratulation to Denise Sarram who has just been made co-curator of Hera Hub with Vanessa Elle. They are taking the place of Deborah Wiley, long-time Hera Hub art curator, move to Texas last month.
San Diego Art Institutes welcomes Andrew Rae , SDAI's new Education Director. We all wish Lesley J. Anderson the best of luck in her new endeavors abroad.
Sheri Fox & Jon Rawlinson of ScrapHound Studio are moving to Sonoma. We wish them well on their new adventure.
The Old Globe , in partnership with the San Diego Public Library, has been selected as the host site for the state of California for First Folio! The Book that Gave Us Shakespeare, a national traveling exhibition of the Shakespeare First Folio, one of the world’s most treasured books. The Folger Shakespeare Library, in partnership with Cincinnati Museum Centerand the American Library Association, is touring a First Folio of Shakespeare in 2016 to all 50 states, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico.
The City of San Diego Tourism Authority just released these figures for 2014: 33.8 million visitors, $9.2 billion in visitor spending and $223 million in Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT). Art Attendance by these visitors was up 3.4%, where general attraction attendance was down 2.7%. Their advertising budget was up from $8 million in 2013 to $12.4 million in 2014.
The official launch of eBay ’s website partnership with Sotheby’s has happened. They will feature live auctions starting on April 1. They tried this in 2003, but this first sale will include photographs by Man Ray, Paul Strand, and László Moholy-Nagy and Sotheby’s will not be the only auction house to participate. Amazon already has Amazon Art so it will be interesting to see how this auction site fares.
Have you got tidbits that you want to broadcast. Contact info@sdvisualarts.net
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April 2015
Overheard: Overheard: When the third person in a day had asked what kind of drugs Marvin did to produce his unusual images (or I know what YOU were doing in the '60's!!), he replied that he doesn't do drugs because they interfere with his hallucinations.’

BLOOM BASH: Opening of Arts Alive 2015 with Chor Boogie Fri. April 24 at 7 pm. $200 members, $250 non members. The San Diego Museum of Art ( 1450 El Prado, Balboa Park, SD 92101) More info: info@sdmart.org 619 232-7931
New Contemporaries VIII at Valencia Gallery Fri. May 1 to Fri. May 29. We hope you save the date and we see you at the Opening Reception: Fri. May 1, 6-9 pm. Help us celebrate the talent of these artists: Atara Baker, Claudia Cano ,Larry Edwin Caveney, Andrea Chung, Collective Magpie, scott b. davis, Tom Demello, Prudence Horne, Jim Hornung, Beliz Iristay, Jessica McCambly, Marco Miranda, Tim Murdoch. This exhibition is a project of the San Diego Visual Arts Network.
San Diego Art Prize 2014 at Athenaeum Music & Arts Library . The exhibition still runs until May 2, 2015 Marianela de la Hoz with emerging artist Bhavna Mehta and Philipp Scholz Rittermann with emerging artist Joseph Huppert. We announced the 2015 SD Art Prize established artist recipients who are Wendy Maruyama and Roy McMakin with emerging artists TBD.
The Artist Odyssey Kickstarter Launch is April 21. They need our support to reach their goals to supply documentation for artist and are starting with a strong local program.
53rd International Show continues at San Diego Art Institute (1439 El Prado, Balboa Park, House of Charm, SD 92101) More info: Marina Grize 619.236.0011
100 Artists, 100 Years: The San Diego Museum of Art Artists Gu ild is showing until July 26 at the Oceanside Museum of Art ( 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside, 92054) More info: Raziah Roushan 760-435-3721
The new program manager Lauren Lockhart of the San Diego International Airport unveiled the airport’s latest and largest year-long exhibition,Balboa Park & the City: Celebrating the San Diego’s Panama-California Exposition.The exhibition features original artwork by San Diego artists as well as collectibles and artifacts from seven different institutions and collectors. The exhibition serves as part of the Balboa Park Centennial celebration.
The Athenaeum Music & Arts Library will present Stories Mona Lisa Could Tell: Fascinating Tales of the Lives of Famous Artworks, a new series by art history lecturer James Grebl, Ph.D. The four part lecture series will be held Thursdays starting May 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the library music room. Art historian, Dr. Grebl will explore an intriguing array of art history tales, often revealing astonishing episodes of lust, greed, crime, misadventure and tragedy. His titles read like a detective stories: May 14: Heist of the Century. May 21: A King Beheaded, May 28: A Smuggled Goddess, June 11: A Gift Fit for the Gods. Visit the website or call for more info: 858.454.5872.
Reports on and about SDVAN
San Diego Art Prize winners named: Wendy Maruyama and Roy McMakin are the 2015 winners Union Tribune by James Chute
San Diego Art Prize at the Athenaeum March 2015 A+ Art Blog by Patricia Frischer
SD Art Prize at The Athenaeum Picked RAW Peeled by Vanessa Christie
Athenaeum Music & Arts Library exhibit celebrates 2014 San Diego Art Prize winners in La Jolla La Jolla Light and Picked RAW Peeled by Lonnie Burstein Hewitt with Photos by Maurice Hewitt
Journey to Space at Reuben H.Fleet Science Center Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
Adelman Fine Art Opening in Little Italy Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
IMAGININGS: A Solo Exhibition by Cathy Breslaw Picked Ripe by Jaclyn Enck
Roman de Salvo: Lightening at Quint Gallery Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Mixed media often finds solidity in GLUE: Cathy Breslaw Vanguard Culture and Picked Ripe by Kristen Schweizer
Helen Redman's 'Lifelines' Retrospective Exhibition Begins at the Women’s Museum San Diego April 23rd Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
North County Arts Network meeting at CCAE in Escondido A+ Art Blog by Patricia Frischer
Buhm Hong Awarded Digital Art Guild Prize at 2015 SDAI International Exhibit Picked Digita and SD Arts Reviewl by Joe Nalven
County Wide Reports
Cohort Collective gets crafty City Beat by Seth Combs
Largest-Ever Airport Art Exhibit Celebrates Balboa Park’s Centennial Times of San Diego by Alexander Nguyen
New Exhibits Focus on Old Engravings, Modern Photos Times of San Diego by Chris Jennewein
Plein-Air Paintings Exhibit Benefits San Dieguito River Valley Times of San Diego by Chris Jennewein
Journey to Mars Is Focus of New IMAX Film at Fleet Center Times of San Diego by Chris Jennewein
Sara Solaimani wants local artists to cross boundaries, both internally and internationally City Beat by Seth Combs
Jacklyn Rose’s embroidery would shock your grandma City Beat by Seth Combs
Finland and the Common Core Huffington Post by John Eger
Dusty Dirtweed says it's 'just drawing” City Beat y Peter Holslin
Rethinking Soviet Posters: Exhibit at San Diego City College Visual Arts Gallery Arts Review and Commentary by Joe Nalven
Nine vendors who caught our eye at the recent indie craft fest City Beat by Hannah More
The Son Reflects the Father: Mario Torero talks about Guillermo Acevedo's Art at the San Diego Airport Arts Review and Commentary by Joe Nalven
Latin American Arts Festival Comes to San Diego Arts Review and Commentary by Joe Nalven
Brian Goeltzenleuchter turns scent into an art form City Beat by Seth Combs
Art on 30th rocks City Beat by Seth Combs
Helen Redman paints the other side City Beat by Seth Combs
Brittany Segal wants everyone to know her name City Beat by Seth Combs
Special photo exhibit at Lemon Grove library Union Tribune by Karen Pearlman
Escondido museum is a place to discover Union Tribune Nina Garin
Terry Hansen: Santee man: A way with wood Union Tribune by Karen Pearlman
El Anatsui an artist in motion Union Tribune by James Chute
Felicia Shaw named director of St. Louis RAC Union Tribune by James Chute
Ebony Patterson Jamaican artist asking tough questions at Lux Union Tribune by James Chute
Gotthelf Gallery offers uncommon perspectives on faith in La Jolla La Jolla Light by Lonnie Burstein Hewitt with Photos by Maurice Hewitt
'La Mona' shows her true colors City Beat by Seth Combs
Keiko Tanabe’s plein air paintings are anything but plain City Beat by Seth Combs
SDAI Monster Drawing Rally, Live Arts Fest 2015 & more: top picks of San Diego events City Beat
Voice of San Diego Culture Reports by Alex Zaragoza
Culture Report: New Old Art at the Airport
Culture Report: Playwriting to Connect
Culture Report: The Sounds of Experimentation
OPPORTUNITIES (click to see a list of all current opportunities listed on SDVAN)
The Colored Pencil Society of San Diego is making a call for their 23rd Annual Exhibition held at Gallery 21, SVAC, S.D., & 2-day Colored Pencil Workshop in Marina Village, Sep. 5 & 6. The theme is celebrating 100th anniversary of Balboa Park, Color in the Park-balboa Park-Past, Present, and Future. Any adult over age 18 is qualified and works should be at least 75% colored pencil, 2-D &/or 3-D. For more info: Bobbie Bradford,
This is a call from Art Beat on Main Street for their juried all media show entitled: Shades of Red at the Vista Strawberry Festival 2015 and is open to Oil, Acrylic, Watercolor, Pencil, Pastel, Charcoal, Photography, Mixed Media, Encaustic and other two dimensional Art. All work must be original work. They are also offering an Exhibition Opportunity. They are a co-op gallery with a variety of wall spaces and studios for rent, ranging from $50-450/month. There is a very low commission of 20%. For more details go to: http://www.onlinejuriedshows.com or contact Kait Matthews 760-295-3118
The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego’s (MCASD) 4th annual 25 and Under Art Contest and the theme is "Our City, Our Time." Artists are invited to submit their original artworks as to celebrate Qualcomm Foundation's long-standing gift of free admission for Museum visitors ages 25 and younger. Register for the contest online and submit a photo of your original creation by 11:59 PM on May 8. First place takes home a $500 gift certificate to Blick Art Materials, a private curator-led tour of the exhibition of their choice, and a free Membership to MCASD.
Fusion Glass Company is making a call for Artists for their Midsummer show. $250 Grand Prize & opportunity for Solo Show. Please submit artwork in any media pertinent to the theme of the show. Nature, wildlife, faeries, fairies, magic, fantasy, woodland, beach or ocean. More info: http://conta.cc/1NKdCY5 or Debbie 619-461-4440
Front Porch Gallery is making a call for artists for its San Diego County Open Juried Exhibition. Exhibition dates July 19-September 12, Opening Reception with live music and hors d’oeuvres. July 19, noon-2pm. Deadline for submission June 21. For more info: Julie Weaverlnig 760-795-6120
San Diego Underground Film is San Diego's premier showcase of experimentation in video, film, and audio based mediums. A strong DIY ethos, combined with an art school brain and a punk rock heart makes the San Diego Underground Film Festival a unique place for films, videos, and audio pieces that strive to push the boundaries of accepted form and content. They are making a call for submissions San Diego Underground Film Festival. For more info: Ryan Betschart 858.380.6725
The Studio Door is making a call for submissions for visual artists and cartoonists to apply for the international exhibition STRIP: Caricatures, Satire and The Funnies. May 20, 2015 deadline. Juror: Javier Hernandez - DIY Cartoonist (Creator of El Muerto, The Coma and Weapon Tex-Mex), Los Comex Publisher and Co-Founder of Latino Comics Exp. Showing from July 3 - 26, 2015 To see prospectus. Also Deliberate Distortions call for Visual AND Audio Artists for the international exhibition about jazz in today’s art. July 15, 2015 deadline. Visual Juror - Melissa Inez Walker, Owner: Distinction Gallery - Escondido and CEO, ArtHatch / Audio Juror - To be announced shortly. Showing from Sept 1 to 26. To see prospectus. For more info: Patric Stillman 619-994-2263
Vanguard Culture is looking for a person who is interested in developing/mastering their skills in Marketing & Public Relations to join the creative team. Applicant should be an undergraduate student in the San Diego area who is majoring in Public Relations, Marketing, Graphic Design, Communications, Art History or other related field. For more info contact: Susanna 619-829-7561
Two calls for artists from OMA in May:Oceanic Horizons will foster new communities by leveraging North County San Diego’s relationship to downtown San Diego’s arts communities. Artist-in-residentTsutomu Okada from Yokohama will create an installation hosted by the STAT-US trailer which will move between three coastal sites and proposed local artist projects will travel alongside. STAT-US is a 1957 Airstream trailer developed by artist Tim Schwartz that has been modified to host projects and events. Submit proprosals that have to do with a huge variety of themes like glocalization and urbanization.
Domestic Autonomy is a travelling exhibition housed in a refurbished logistical container for a Predator Drone MQ-1 UAV (Drone Readymade). The exhibition will also travel throughout various sites of leisure in coastal San Diego County but also in California-at-large for a duration of two weeks and serve as a conduit for conversations surrounding a variety of topics. The works submitted for inclusion in this “museum” will become part of a permanent archive (resting location TBD). Topics consider are again multiple such as consumer culture, ownership, sexual politics. For more information: James Enos or Brigid Parsons
Mingei International Museum has a whole slew of end of April activities: Fri April 24 Celebrate cross-border culture with Mingei and CECUT with an evening of good food, cocktails and entertainment. Tickets are on sale now. Sat April 25 Experience a must-see performance by the award-winning Black Storytellers of San Diego: Histories, Traditions and Stories and Monday April 27Treasures Drop-Off Day, 9am-1pm. Donate your Museum-quality items to be sold at the Treasures Art Sale.
The San Diego Museum of Art will celebrate the SDMA Artists Guild Centennial by exhibiting more than a dozen works in various media by artists who belonged to the Guild during its early years. SDMA curator Dr. James Grebl selected these pieces from the permanent collection of this iconic Balboa Park institution.
On April 24-26, The San Diego Museum of Art will be transformed by more than 100 floral designers bringing the Museum’s Permanent Collection to life during the 34th annual Art Alive. New this year, FIDM will be creating several fashion interpretations of works of art, and artist Chor Boogie will provide special installation artwork for the Bloom Bash kick off party on Friday 4/24.
Center for the Arts Escondido invites us to travel through the stunning landscape of California’s rural, urban, ocean, and park sceneries representing the Golden State as it was yesterday, is today, and will be in the future at their Legacy of the Landcollection. This exhibition is presented by the Art in Nature Alliance (AINA), comprised of the San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy (SDRVC), California Center for the Arts, Escondido, and Plein-Air Painters of America (PAPA).
100 Artists, 100 Years: The San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild runs until July 26 at the Oceanside Museum of Art ( 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside, 92054) Exhibition curator Mark-Elliott Lugo states, “… I believe San Diegans will be excited and proud to see the exceptional skill and creativity of the artists who have lived and worked in the area.” More info: Raziah Roushan 760-435-3721. P.S. Check out their new website.
The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego’s (MCASD) 4th annual 25 and Under Art Contest and the theme is "Our City, Our Time." Artists are invited to submit their original artworks as to celebrate Qualcomm Foundation's long-standing gift of free admission for Museum visitors ages 25 and younger. Register for the contest online and submit a photo of your original creation by 11:59 PM on May 8. First place takes home a $500 gift certificate to Blick Art Materials, a private curator-led tour of the exhibition of their choice, and a free Membership to MCASD.
In honor of the citywide centennial celebration of the 1915 Panama-California Exposition,The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (MCASD) will presentPond Lily Over Mushroom Cloud: Byron Kim Adapts the Black on Black Cosmology of Maria Martinez and John D. Spreckels and The Impossible Railroadat its downtown location from July 16, 2015 through November 1, 2015. MCASD's connection to the centennial celebration lies within the Santa Fe Depot train station, which was redeveloped in 1915 in anticipation of the large volume of visitors that would arrive for the Exposition. MCASD Downtown is located in the former baggage claim building of Santa Fe Depot, and shares a roof with the active train station today.
Museum of Photographic Arts presents Hendrik Kerstens: Model and Muse on display through May 31. Inspiration comes from many sources. For the artist Hendrik Kerstens, it is his daughter, Paula, who inspires his photographic explorations. For more than two decades, self-taught photographer Kerstens' primary subject has been his daughter. From the beginning his images were not the traditional snapshots of a child growing up, rather his formalized portraits of her had and continue to have far more in common with traditions in painting - light, gaze, gesture and scale. These are the foundation upon which Kerstens creates his on-going body of work. MOPA launched Pay What You Wish to highlight “art is for everyone” during the centennial celebration as the only museum in Balboa Park to offer an admissions program of this type. Every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, visitors choose the admission price with a voluntary contribution. Pay What You Wish provides access to MOPA’s current exhibitions, including the United States premiere of the video installation 7 billion Others.
Women’s History Museum and Education Center Helen Redman, Through a Mother's Eye runs April 24 - May 1. Helen Redman's series of paintings and drawings on motherhood (1962-2014) is designed to show the magnitude and variety of a prodigious journey to the other side of birth. Through these colorful portraits, Redman serves witness to the continuous creation of what it means to become a human being.
New Children’s Museum is at KidsWalk! April 25–April 26 from 11am-6pm in Little Italy – Amici Park Watch for the Challenge Wheel that tells you what materials you can use to design your sculpture.
Timken Museum of Art coming in May is the Johannes Vermeer exhibition.
We wish a sad goodbye to Felicia Shaw who is taking an excellent position in St Louis, her home town, with their art commission. We have been assured she will return in a few years to retire in San Diego. Many congratulations to her but she will be greatly missed.
We are so sorry to see Raziah Roushan director of Marketing for the Oceanside Museum of Art will be leaving us after only 4 short months for a new life in Oregon. She made great progress while at OMA and they are now steering in the right direction PR wise. She will be missed.
Pacific Rim Elementary School in Carlsbad came in second in the state for Odyssey of the Mind and will be traveling to Michigan State in May to compete at a World level. Odyssey of the Mind gathers together 1,000 young adventurers who converged on UC Riverside to compete at the state championship tournament. Focusing on the STEAM subjects – science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics – Odyssey is an international educational program that provides problem-solving opportunities for students from kindergarten through college. Five- to seven-member teams tackle tasks from building mechanical devices to presenting their interpretations of literary classics. Students compete at local, state and world levels. Thousands of teams from the U.S. and from about 25 other countries participate.
The famous Kilmt painting “Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I,” was renamed by the Nazis that looted it “Woman in Gold.”(now in the Neue Galerie). Catch the new film of that same name which stars Helen Mirren.
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RAW May 2015
Overheard: A man stands in the middle of our booth and very loudly says "Well, I really hate this art, but can I have that one for half price?"

The first exhibition of Ingrid Hoffmeister-Hoy’s (right) curated by Mariza Sanchez (left)of Centro International de las Artes at the North Coast Rep Art Gallery in Solana Beach.
New Contemporaries VIII at Valencia Gallery (Barracks 16, Suite 10,1 2730 Historic Decatur Rd., SD 92106) is holding a closing reception, Fri. May 29 from 5 to 7 pm with somespecial performances and artist presentations TBD. The final selection of works was made by Alessandra Moctezuma, SD Mesa College Art Gallery and she did an outstanding job. The show is fascinating and full of surprises.Artists:Atara Baker, Claudia Cano, Larry Edwin Caveney, Andrea Chung, Collective Magpie, scott b. davis, Tom Demello, Prudence Horne, Jim Hornung, Beliz Iristay, Jessica McCambly, Marco Miranda, Tim Murdoch Gallery hoursWed. to Sun., 11 am. to 5 pm. and by appointment. Catalog VIII More info: Aida Valencia 619 752-6118. Check out the blog New Contemporaries VIII at Valencia Gallery, produced by San Diego Visual Arts Network Picked RAW Peeled by Vanessa Christie
In support of SDVAN and featuring some of the emerging artists included in the recent SD Art Prize New Contemporaries VIII is the new exhibition Spring into ArtonSat, June 6 th from 10 AM-5 PM at
Sergott Contemporary Art Alliance RSVP and directions: scaainbox@gmail.com. Out thanks to Heidi Rufeh, Beliz Iristay, Marco Miranda, Ellen Dieter, Prudence Horne and Larry Edwin Caveney for letting us use their images on our banner for June.
We are supporting the Artist Odyssey Kickstarter campaign. This project will only be funded if at least $25,000 is pledged by Thurs., June 18 so check it out now. A number of artists have been offered free display and studio space at the Artist Odyssey headquarters (1509 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024) Artists included: Angela Jackson, Cheryl Tall, Grant Brittain, Kaarin Vaughn, Iana Quesnell, Leah Pantéa, Patricia Frischer, Rachel Edwards and David Fokos.
We are also supporting The Avant Garde Costume Gala Vanguard Culture on Friday, June 19, 2015 from 7 to 11 pm. 10% discount for SDVAN with code GALASDVAN valid until May 29 th. $75 or $90 at door. Mingei Museum, Balboa Park. More info: Susanna Pereda
San Diego Art Institute (SDAI) invite you to help support the next 75 years of local art making during their 75th Anniversary campaign. SDAI has gone through many changes over the years and is in the midst of a revival. Their staff and board are re-energizing exhibitions, public programs, and educational opportunities for youth, professional artists, and the public. . SDAI is raising $75,000 in individual donations. 75 cents of every donation will go directly toward in-school youth programming, and $7,500 of the overall goal will go toward new commissions. The remainder of the funds will go toward direct operating support of the San Diego Art Institute. Give $75, $750 or even $7500 and help SDAI to be around for another 75 years to serve the next generation of local students, artists and arts audiences from Southern California/Baja Norte.
Helen M. Ofield , President of the Lemon Grove Historical Society is heading a push to have a sculpture of Balboa erected in Balboa Park. Read her article Error of Century? In the Times of San Diego
Shh. Don’t tell anyone but ART IS A BUSINESS Wednesdays at 6:30 pm is a series of talks by Patric Stillman at Studio Door ( 3750 30th Street, North Park, SD 92104) to encourage artist in professional practices. May 5 the Online Artist, May 13 Making Love to the Camera, May 20, Community is Everything. More info: Patric Stillman 619-994-2263
Monarch Gallery has been part of the La Jolla community since 2004. Danny and Elsie Arredondo acquired the gallery in 2013 and renamed it Monarch | Arredon Contemporary. They have changed the direction of the gallery to represent contemporary figurative artworks. The current show is Sculptural Etherealism: a Reflection on Sculptures and the Human Culture featuring Work by Ira Reines, Carlos Torres and Larry Lewis and you can see it until June 30. We will be watching Elsie as she further changes and develops this space which has moved from Prospect to Girard.
A show we missed is by James Soe Nyun (New Contemporaries III) at the SD International Airport from May to Dec of 2014. Bardo Thodol, the eighth-century text commonly known as the Tibetan Book of the Dead has been transcribed into QR codes by James and printed on prayer flags that are gently fanned so that they flutter attractively. Catch the video now posted.
We are thrilled to welcome to San Diego and Liberty Station the San Diego Comic Art Gallery who is holding their first show:The Art of Kevin Eastman at Barracks 2 on June 5.
The Athenaeum Music & Arts Library and Murals of La Jolla have installed Blah, Blah, Blah, by Mel Bochner at 1111 Prospect Street. This new mural installation was completed Thursday, May 14 and will be included from now on in the tours which are the last Wednesday of the month (May 27, June 24, July 29, August 26 and September 30) starting at the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library at 5:30 p.m. RSVPs are suggested.
The City of San Diego 2014 Art and Cultural Community Impact Report is now published. The report gives last year’s statistic for Arts and Culture non-profits such as $191 million spent, $94 earned income, $113 million contributed revenue to the economy, $101.2 salaries paid plus 1.6 million tourist visitor who spend $564 each per day on average for arts and culture events (way up from other tourist i.e. $235) for 3.7 days instead of 1.8 days. Four and one quarter million people attended arts and culture events.These figures did not move very much from last year, except for outreach to school which jumped from 2644 visit to school to a whooping 11, 419 visits to school and from 298,171 students recieving arts education to 488,440 students. It is unclear why so many more visits did not affect more students, but the trend is good and it must mean a lower student to teacher ratio. Since the City of San Diego is only part of our county, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could see the statistics county wide. That will only happen when we have a SD County Arts Council.
Reports on and about SDVAN
I am in Love with San Diego: Report on ArtWak, Arts Alive at SDMA and SDAI International Show Picked Raw by Patricia Frischer
Andrea Chung pays homage to working class heroes/New Contemporaries SD City Beat by Seth Combs
100 Artists, 100 Years, SDMA Artists Guild at OMA Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
New Contemporaries VIII at Valencia Gallery, produced by San Diego Visual Arts Network Picked RAW Peeled by Vanessa Christie
El Anatsui's Mesmerizing Exhibition, Gravity and Grace: Monumental Works, San Diego, Downtown Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
Chinese Brush Painter, Pan Gongkai's Exhibition Four Nobles, at San Diego Museum of Fine Art Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
Scaling Up and Out: The changing audience for the arts. A+ Art Blog by Patricia Frischer
County Wide Reports
Error of Century? Balboa Park With No Statue of Balboa Times of San Diego by Helen Ofield
We Want to Feel a Little Bit of Magic in the Places We Go Voice of San Diego by Catherine Green
Kim Stringfellow finds beauty in an otherwise bleak landscape SD City Beat by Seth Combs
Tom Driscoll: Hidden in Plain Sight KCET by Robert L. Pincus
Jax Meyers Creates a Mural Arts Program in Encinitas 92024 Magazine by Linda Frabl
The Klines: My Dinner with Yahweh at La Jolla’s JCC San Diego Story by Kraig Cavanaugh
Drawing from within SD City Beat by Seth Combs
Local Artist Creates ‘Arts Incubator’ At The Studio Door Voice of San Diego by Beth Accomando
Lei Liang makes paintings sing Union Tribune by James Chute
Relatively Speaking: Adelmans in Little Italy Pacific San Diego By Tony Lovitt
Arzu Ozkal’s 'Home Affairs' is about more than motherhood City Beat by Seth Combs
SDCC and San Diego Public Library announce the Art of Comic-Con exhibit Comic Beat by Heidi MacDonald
El Anatsui Art Ltd. by Lauren Buscemi
3 Stunning Niki de Saint Phalle Sculptures Unveiled Downtown Times of San Diego by Chris Jennewein
San Diego Start Up Collaborates with Homeless Artists to Make Clothing NBC San Diego by Samantha Tatro
UCSD’s Public Art Collection The Stuart Collection Gets $1 Million Endowment Times of San Diego by Chris Jennewein
Future uncertain for UCSD’s University Art Gallery City Beat by Seth Combs
OPPORTUNITIES (click to see a list of all current opportunities listed on SDVAN)
Space 1439 at the San Diego Art Institute is a boutique at the top of the gallery looking for a variety of new and interesting products to sell. They are making a dedicated "Small Works" section in the shop for our artist members. Small works can include both 2D and 3D works. This is a perk of being a member of SDAI so think of supporting SDAI in this way and get an extra opportunity to show. More info: Kevin Freligh 619.236.0011 SDAI also has a call for artist for "(Con)Text: Rethinking Language in Art" opening on July 24, 2015. They are looking for work incorporating text, language, coding, spoken word, literature, books, etc. into their work. Text-based art, sound work, photography, collage, painting, sculpture, and video are all welcome. Entry due Tuesday, June 30th, 5pm
Monarch | Arredon Contemporary Art is looking for a marketing internship person who is interested in developing/mastering their skills in Marketing & Public Relations. Applicant should be an undergraduate student in the San Diego area who is majoring in Public Relations, Marketing, Graphic Design, Communications, Art History or other related field. For more info: Elsie Arredondo 858-454-1231
FIGMENT (in Chicano Park) is making a call for art project submissions for the third FIGMENT San Diego on Saturday, June 27, 2015. For more info: Nicole Hickman 619-800-5689
Mingei International Museum is once again offering a free three-month membership. Pay admission once and enjoy all the benefits of a Friends/Family Membership all summer.Summer Membership Returns from Memorial Day – Labor Day.
The San Diego Museum of Art impressed us by raising one million dollars at the annual Arts Alive which is only a three day event. Congratulations to the artists and volunteers and staff for managing this huge feat.
Oceanside Museum of Art will be open in June and July on Sunday from 10 am until 4 pm
The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego Shore Thing offers the public the chance to and free admission every Thursday night from 5-8 PM throughout the summer, beginning May 28. Guests will enjoy tours of the exhibition Dear Nemesis, Nicole Eisenman 1993-2013, soundscapes provided by DJs from The Roots Factory Art Collective, picnic bites and vino from Finch's Bistro and Wine Bar, and a cash bar. BYOP (bring your own picnic) for this extended hours event where you can mingle with friends old and new on the greens of the seaside Edwards Family Sculpture Garden.
In celebration of the Balboa Park Centennial, the Museum of Photographic Art is letting its visitors decide how much they wish to pay for admission every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through August 28, 2015. They are also offering an alternative to traditional models and attract the upcoming museum enthusiast who wants an active, participatory role in membership. For $5 a month, museum members choose between the Photography Crew and Film Crew, or an All-Access Pass to both crews for $8. A distinguishing feature of this interest-based program is its month-to-month flexibility that eliminates the standard annual commitment. People may sign up for Crew at www.MOPA.org/Crew, starting May 27.
Women’s History Museum and Education Center presents A Walk Through Time - 200 Years Of Women's Fashion on Sun. May 31 from 2 to 4 pm and 8th Annual Wine, Cheese, and Chocolate Festival on Fri. June 26 6-9 pm
New Children’s Museum Now in its third year, Mass Creativity is an artist-led community outreach program that includes a series of six workshops throughout various San Diego neighborhoods. The program will culminate in an all-day celebration of art and creativity on June 20, 2015.
Sandra Chanis is the interim director for the Oceanside Museum of Art as the hunt goes on for a new director to replace Daniel Foster who has resigned to pursue his passion for the arts in the city of Oceanside, the North County Arts Network, and the San Diego County Arts Council. He will remain active as an advisor to OMA where the board president Robert Pendleton praised him because on his watch " the quality of exhibition programming has risen to new heights, engagement of community patrons and artists has been enhanced in new and imaginative ways, and strategic planning has occurred that has elevated our museum to a new level of recognition, professionalism, and prosperity." We understand that OMA is looking for Museum accreditation and will starting a national seach in the near future.
Young Audiences of San Diego announces the selection of Tara Graviss as its new executive director. Tara will fill the vacancy created by the departure of Interim Executive Director Felicia Shaw who will join the St. Louis Regional Arts Commission as its new Executive Director. Tara previously served as a Trustee of YASD and most recently as the board chair.
Timken Museum of Art has hired Megan Pogue as general manager. Pogue, the vice-president of business development for the San Diego Symphony for the past 11 years, has been a key player in the success of the symphony’s Summer Pops presentations and community outreach efforts. She’ll be the Timken’s chief executive, taking over the duties of interim chief operating officer Anita Crider.
Megan Gilby is the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office new community arts coordinator. Shje has a Masters in Arts management from Carnegie Mellon University and will be planning performing art programs and the community arts grants program.
Merete Kjaer received her notice as assistant director at the UC San Diego University Art Gallery because there is no money to keep the gallery open. Such as pity as next year would be their 50 anniversary. Kjaer has been at the gallery since 2011.
'You Are Beautiful' Is a global campaign to share Women's photo portraits and authentic stories. PhotographerJade Beall wants to create a new kind of site for women -- one that features unaltered portraits taken by photographers around the world with one photographer for each county. She started with The Bodies Of Mothers, and is currently fundraising for "You Are Beautiful,"
Dion Frischer sent us this link to the NY Times article on Works in Progress. This is a very small sampling of the female artists now in their 80s and 90s we should have known about decades ago. Our own Faith Ringgold is included. Make sure and click the thumbnails under the portraits to see the art work.
The New York Times reported: “…the total art sales by Christie’s this week went past $1 billion, the first time a single auction house had reached that benchmark in such a short span.”
Whitney Museum of American Art has now relocated to its new Renzo Piano-designed downtown location. The ticket price for admittance is now $22. MOCA is $25 and the Guggenheim is $16. San Diego’s museums are still a bargain!
From the Los Angeles Times: "The piece de resistance at Luis De Jesus( LA )is Hugo Crosthwaite's "Shattered Mural," which takes the idea of the conventional mural and atomizes it into several dozen pieces on the gallery floor that the viewers can walk through and around. A beautiful installation. This is a show not to miss."
Have you got tidbits that you want to broadcast. Contact info@sdvisualarts.net
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June 2015
Overheard: One artist asking another artist the secret of their financial success in view of the fact that their work is terrible. “Sure I’m a lousy artist but then again most people have lousy taste.”

Everybody Skates came to my attention at the Artist Odyssey (NextOpen house on August 1 from 5 to 8 pm
1509 Encinitas Blvd. Encinitas, CA 92024). This inventive artist named Alf, takes famous images and insert skate boards. He and his team are about to embark on a national wide tour.
A special screening of Marla Mossman's Peace Caravanwill take place at 2 pm on Sat, June 26th and you can see the whole photo show from 10AM-5 PM at Sergott Contemporary Art Alliance. RSVP and directions: scaainbox@gmail.com
A Midsummer Night's Dream with a final reception and awarding of prizes to the artists is on Aug 1st. at Fusionglass Co. Gallery & Studio ( 8872 La Mesa Blvd., La Mesa, 91942) More info: Debb 619.461.4440
The SD Art Prize 2015 emerging artist recipients have now been announced. The established artist Wendy Maruyama has chosen Peter Scheidt and Roy McMakin has chosen Kevin Inman. These 2015 SD Art Prize recipients will be exhibited at the ART SD Contemporary Art Fair Nov. 5-8, 2015, and the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library in La Jolla from May 7-June 11, 2016,
North County Arts Network (NCAN) Meeting is Thursday, July 16, 2015, 5:00-8:00pm at Lux Art Institute (1550 South El Camino Real, Encinitas, 92024) More info: Daniel Foster 760.435.3725
Medium Festival of Photography , is a 4-day photography event in its fourth year. With an engaging line up of portfolio reviews and artist lectures on photography, the 2015 festival will take place from Oct. 22-25 at the Lafayette Hotel, in North Park. Registration is now open. For more info: scott b. davis
Good new for the City of San Diego. The San Diego City Council voted unanimously to augment the FY16 Arts & Culture budget by $1 million as part of the approval to the motion for the FY16 City of San Diego budget. This is in addition to the $1.1 million previously included in the Mayor's budget and May Revise, bringing the total Arts & Culture budget to $12.1 million. AND Governor Brown and legislators authorized $8.3 million to the California Arts Council from the state of California's general fund! This allocation is $2.1 million more than the governor's original 2015-16 budget proposal and the largest CA state arts budget since 2004.
This is year two that ArtReach and Knockaround have teamed up for Class Acts, a program in which 4th and 5th graders from three San Diego schools learn about what it takes to design a pair of sunglasses. Knockaround had the difficult task of choosing just one design from over 300. "Strikers," designed by Evan from Foster Elementary, struck a chord. Knockaround manufactured Evan's design, for sale now on the Knockaround website. All proceeds benefit Foster, Jefferson and Monarch Elementary Schools and the ArtReach Free Workshop Program.
Meyer Fine Art Gallery will be hosting a neighborhood fundraising art exhibition, Coming Home to Famiglia: The Works of John Asaro from July 9 – August 1 to benefit the Little Italy Association’s Piazza Famiglia project—a 10,000 square foot piazza on Date Street in downtown Little Italy that will become the new “heart” of the neighborhood. The show features San Diego local Italian artist, John Asaro with100 paintings for the art exhibition that are going to capture scenes from all over San Diego. There is a special public viewing on Sunday, July 19 from 12- 4 p.m. that will give the public the opportunity to meet the artist.
The San Diego Art Institute is offering a brand new set of interesting course for the public this summer. Parkeology: Drawing, Documenting And Tracing The Secrets Of Balboa Park, Exhibition: From Idea To Installation With Danica Molenaar, Cellphone Movie Making With Don Porcella, The Radar Performance Art Workshop With Jose Hugo Sanchez, Experimentation Across Media With Jon Pucci, Tie, Fold, Wrap And Tear: A Study Of Process With Matthew Mahoney, Collective Zine Making With Nina Preisendorfer. Click here for a list of all upcoming workshop dates and scheduling information.
Reports on and about SDVAN
Get As Close As You Want at Playful Interactions Exhibition, SDSU Downtown Gallery, San Diego: Dave Ghilarducci, Rizzhel Mae Javier, Margaret Noble Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
Coquest | Control | Confinement: de la Torres brothers and Belize Iristay Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
What Remains: Debris and Detritus in Fine Art at SDAI Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
California Photographers Anthony Friedkin, Steve Kahn, Grant Mudford, Share 'Drawn To Light' Exhibition at Joseph Bellows Gallery, La Jolla Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
Spoiled for Choice equals a Guilt Free Art Life A+Art Blog by Patricia Frischer
County Wide Reports
The Artist Odyssey is ready for their close-up City Beat by Seth Combs
A Ship in the Woods set to sail away to lands unknown City Beat by Seth Combs
UC San Diego May Lose Art Gallery KPBS by Angela Carone
San Diegans are heading to Tijuana to create new art, new spaces and new possibilities City Beat by Seth Combs
Elsoldelrac rises in the south City Beat by Seth Combs
'100 Artists, 100 Years' at Oceanside Museum of Art Union Tribune by James Chute
Art legacy inspires Hubbell volunteer Union Tribune by Pam Kragen
IDW Publishing Opens Doors To San Diego Comic Art Gallery KPBS by Beth Accomando, Nicholas McVicker
San Diego Mayor’s Office Outlines Plans To Attract Film, Television Production KPBS
Jeanne Dunn: Seeing Trees for the Forest Huffington Post by Shana Nys Dambrot
Lana Chromium’s art of war City Beat by Seth Combs
The bearable darkness of Peter Halasz City Beat by Seth Combs
Artist paints portrait of theater massacre shooter James Holmes Fox5 by Heather Lake
Scarce Painting by Famed Artist Vermeer On View in Balboa Park San Diego Story by Kraig Cavanaugh
Plants Of The Gods by Kelsey Brookes Scribble08 by Mark Murphy
OPPORTUNITIES (click to see a list of all current opportunities listed on SDVAN)
Call to Artists for the 2015 Bountiful Art, juried exhbition with $1,000 in prizes & a solo show award. Sophies Art Gallery (109 Rea Ave, El Cajon, 92020) Judged by Christine Knoke, Director of Exhibitons & Chief Curator of the Mingei International Museum. More info: Wendy Morris 619-593-2205
SD Art Institute is hosting a 4-day only affordable art and craft pop-up. All work must be priced at $100 or less. Everything on the walls will be sold for $100, everything on the tables sold for under $100. All 2D art must "ready to hang" and framed in "gallery frames". Artwork of all media is welcome (painting, photography, sculpture, etc.), and we especially encourage the submission of print materials, jewelry, small sculptures, ceramics, etc. There is no fee for artist members to submit work who can submistt up to 10 pieces of work.; nonmembers can have up to 5 pieces of work in the show with a $10 submission fee. All artists will receive 50% of sales. Drop-off deadline for work is July 12. For more information, please contact Kerstin Robers 619.236.0011.
Devon Browning is looking for a roommate to share a private art studio in Barrio Logan at La Bodega Studios. The studio is $150 for half (utilities included), and has 24-hour access and approx 10' x 9' (90 sq ft). The lease is month to month, so no long term commitment needed. More info: 262-215-4965 devonbrowning@gmail.com www.devonbrowning.com
The San Diego International Airport Art Programseeks proposals from artists, curators, and cultural or educational organizations for ongoing display of rotating art and installation. They are seeking work in all media, artists who are engaged with the complexity of cultural identity and international exchange in a bi-national region for the theme Point of Entry. The call will challenge artists to explore and interpret the geographic, social, and cultural intricacies of borders, and the resulting installations will inspire the traveling public by presenting diverse perspectives on the subject. For complete details and submission requirements visit website or contact Karla Cook
Mingei International Museum Pay admission once and enjoy all the benefits of a Friends/Family Membership from now through Labor Day at the Mingei as part of their Summer Membership program.
The San Diego Museum of Art Composed of more than 150 objects including celebrated icons of American art and rarely seen works from public and private collections, Coney Island: Visions of an American Dreamland, 1861-2008 is the first exhibition to explore Coney Island as a place and an idea. The exhibition will be on view beginning July 11 through October 11, 2015
Oceanside Museum of Art holds its annual Museum Ball on Sat, July 25, 2015, 6:00-11:00 p.m. Cost: $175 if purchased by June 30, 2015, $200 after. This year the champagne reception, dinner and dancing under the stars to the sounds of The Fabulous Pelicans, and an exciting live auction and opportunity drawing designed to support the museum’s educational programs and highly regarded exhibitions. Please contact Mitzi Summers, Director of Events & Community Engagement, at (760) 435-3730 or mitzi@oma-online.org.
At the 2015 Selection Dinner in May,The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego’s International Collectors and Contemporary Collectors voted to purchase new works by three artists for the Museum's permanent collection; James Drake's massive drawing installation: The Anatomy of Drawing and Space (Brain Trash)- Chapter 3, 2014; Nicole Eisenman's recent painting: Under the Table 2 and Kelly Mason's lightbox of Francis Bacon's studio, titled: Grey Skies Southwest.
Women’s History Museum and Education Center presents their 8th annual fund raiser, the Wine, Cheese, And Chocolate Festival, June 26, the first Friday of the Summer, the last Friday of June at 6 pm to 9 pm on the grassy North Promenade at NTC Liberty Station in Point Loma. Sue Palmer , San Diego's Queen of Boogie Woogie, and her All-Girl Motel Swing Band will provide live music for dancing under the stars. Over 1000 wine lovers are expected to attend this year's event. Tickets are available on line at www.womensmuseumca.org or at the museum.
Center for the Arts Escondido will start a new show Writing with Pictures on Sat, July 11 – Sun Sept13. This multi-media exhibition tells the story behind the creation of the picture book: why we love them, and their widening audience and role in the 21st century. This exhibition features original published artwork from local illustrators, and from artists working with local writers. Check out the site for the call for students for a themed show on this same subject.
We understand the UCSD University ArtGallery is closing soon and we hope it get saved by a miracle angel. They are coming up on their 50th Anniversary, and are publishing Artistic Research: Visual Arts, Incorporating the research of artists in the current Faculty Exhibition. It offers a cross section of the motivating concerns of the work on display; incorporating an inventory of the gallery's exhibitions over five decades with a chronological view of an institutional history that informs the present. More info: uag@ucsd.edu
Collette Murphy Stefanko is the new Marketing Strategist at Oceanside Museum of Art. Collette worked previously at Lux Art Institute and is taking the place of Raziah Roushan. It will be wonderful to have the excitement continue at OMA with their new staff.
We are happy to announce that Leah Goodwin is now in charge of the museum galleries at Center for the Arts Escondido. We are delighted that a professional visual arts administrater will not be back in charge at this vital resource for north county.
Three point four billion dollars worth of art is on view at Art Basel in Switzerland. This is its 47th year and this is indeed the grand daddy of all art fairs.
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RAW July 2015
Overheard: “He was the world’s only armless sculptor. He put the chisel in his mouth and his wife hit him on the back of the head with a mallet!”

Don Porcella’s pipe cleaner sculpture at Low Gallery and Ann Stump and Daphne Hill at the Frieda Kohler exhibition at La Bodega .
San Diego Visual Arts Network is delighted to sponsor the art mural participation project by FARM Creative Market and Art School at the 10th Annual ArtWalk at NTC August 1 5 – 16, 10 AM to 6 PM . In preparation for FARM Creative Market & Art School's grand opening, ArtWalk attendees are invited to participate in an exciting collaborative mural creation using their own imagination and an assortment of art materials. Those that join in on the fun will enjoy promotions, including giveaways, discounts and a chance to win a $100 Apple gift card. Participants will also get a VIP invitation to a showcase party where the finished murals will be displayed and prizes awarded. ArtWalk NTC is at Ingram Plaza at NTC at Liberty Station. For more info: Darcy Madi 844-747-3276
We were confused about the budget for the CA Art Council for 2015/1016, but here is a tidy explanation. The budge last year was a paltry $1.2 million but the governor just came across with $7.1 million giving it a total budget of $8.3 million. However, National Endowment for the Arts gave another million and $2.5 million was added by a variety of others. So for this year it is $11.8 million and at least $8.3 million from then on. This is money for arts programming for veterans and at risk youth but also for community based artist projects and a nice nod to some new smaller non-profits for the arts. We also understand there might be money to explore the formation of a SD County Arts Council.
The San Diego Art Institute in Balboa Park has received a $53,900 grant from the California Arts Council’s Creative California Communities program for a project they are doing with several institutions in Balboa Park called PARKEOLOGY, featuring local artist Kate Clark as the lead artist. This was the largest grant made to an organization in SD county. They also received $9,240 from the CA Arts Council’s Local Impact program. The new director Ginger Porcella is really on a role and getting some great press: Porcella creating buzz at San Diego Art Institute Union Tribune by James Chute, Culture Report: There’s Something About Ginger Voice of San Diego by Alex Zaragoza, SDAI gets California Arts Council support Union Tribune by James Chute. Explore their new direction for yourself withthe new mural by Raul Guerrero which goes on view at the same time as Con)Text: Rethinking Language in Art
Sat July 25 at 6 to 8 pm.
Chandlerisms by Alexis Smith is showing at the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library through July 25. She has covered the Joseph Clayes III Gallery walls with quotations from novelist and Hollywood screenwriter Raymond Chandler collaged with her own imagery.
Although the rain put a damper on looking at the art, the dedication of nine new sculptures for the Ralyn and Nate Wolfstein Sculpture Parkon July 16 as part of the Healing Arts at Scripps Memorial Hospital in La Jolla was a beautiful event which honored these terrific and generous donors and supporters of the SD Art scene.
Hurrah for our own Stephen Burns who was a panelist at San Diego Comic Con. It was titled Full-Time Creative on a Part-Time Schedule.
Happy Birthday Oceanside Art Walk which is one year old on August 4. They will be having a First Birthday Party/Mixer at the Oceanside Library Plaza by the Frog Pond from 5:00-7:00 pm.
Come see the transformative power of art as it shapes Inocente’s life on Friday, August 7 at 7 pm as part of “Friday Night Liberty” at NTC/ Liberty Station in the Barracks 17 Conference Room. Admission is a $5 suggested donation to benefit ArtReach San Diego, You can also check out some of Inocente’s work the following weekend, August 15-16, at ArtWalk NTC @ Liberty Station; this will be her first show in San Diego since the documentary was released in 2012. For more about the film, visit InocenteDoc.com. For more about Inocente and to view some of her artwork, visit OriginalInocenteArt.com.
Father/Son artist duo James and Brennan Hubbell will release brand new works - available exclusively through Sparks Gallery at an opening reception on Sat, August 1, 6 to 9 pm. Work with be on view until Sept 22.
The North County Arts Network (NCAN) Meeting in July at Lux Art Institute was another gathering to discuss the role of this new organization. There were 9 breakout groups and a large variety of subjects were discussed including the future structure of this group which aims to help supports the arts. More info: Daniel Foster 760.435.3725
Reports on and about SDVAN
Changes to the SD Art Prize A+ Art Blog by Patricia Frischer
Rethinking the San Diego Art Prize City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Pipe Cleaner Sculptures, Paintings and Drawings by Don Porcella at Low Gallery Picked RAW Peeled by Cathy Breslaw
“Working Backward From Crazy: Implementing a Vision” An Interview with Susanna Peredo, Founder and CEO of Vanguard Culture Picked RAW Peeled by Cathy Breslaw
County Wide Reports
Culture Report: California Arts Council Gets a Budget Boost Voice of San Diego by Alex Zaragoza
Don Porcella's collaborations with a dead oil painter City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Christopher Puzio's work is popping up everywhere City Beat by Seth Combs
Annie Preece intertwines an octopus with an elephant City Beat by Meghan Roos
NCM's 'Eureka! Moment Union Tribune by James Chute
MCASD adds new works Union Tribune by James Chute
Sarah Cain at MOCASD ArtForum as told to Paige K. Bradley
Creating a life by creating art: Squeak Carnwath at Lux Union Tribune by James Chute
Word Balloons Intimate Look and Word Balloons Exhibition Details Scribble08 by Mark Murphy
Kathleen Mitchell’s painful passion City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Porcella creating buzz at San Diego Art Institute Union Tribune by James Chute
Culture Report: There’s Something About Ginger Voice of San Diego by Alex Zaragoza
SDAI gets California Arts Council support Union Tribune by James Chute
Fair judges investigate fine art contest winner ABC Channel 10 News by Joe Little
The Art Kids Of San Diego County Make An Impact In The Art World Eagle & Times by Alessandra Selgi-
Artist re-creates childhood on canvas Union Tribune by Pam Kragen
Art Exhibition in Little Italy Raising Funds for New Piazza Times of San Diego by Chris Jennewein
Artisans preserve wood-carving tradition Union Tribune by Harel Amsalem & Maithu Koppolu
Interact at San Diego’s Art of Pride City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Urbana’s urban art gallery City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Patrick Yurick: Many-hat man City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
In the studio with Kevin Eastman Union Tribune by James Chute
Making eye contact: Lalla Essaydi'Union Tribune by James Chute
Comic-Con Helps San Diego Vet Find Healing, New Career NBC7 San Diego by Danya Bacchus
Prisoners’ Art On Display At Oceanside Museum Of Art KPBS by Promise Yee
Art Exhibit About Coney Island Opens At San Diego Museum Of Art KPBS by Angela Carone
OPPORTUNITIES (click to see a list of all current opportunities listed on SDVAN)
Media Arts Center San Diego announces its 2016 Poster Design Competition. This is an opportunity to create an iconic and timeless image that will be used in all of the festival’s marketing and promotional materials. Media Arts Center San Diego, producer of the upcoming 23rd annual San Diego Latino Film Festival (March 10-20, 2016) For more info: Ian Virgilio 619-230-1938)
Pacific View Art Center at 608 Third Street in Encinitas is moving forward with a request for Letters of Interest to be the Operating Partner for the site. Letters must be submitted no later than 2 pm on Monday, August 3.
Leucadia 101 Main Street is making a call for artist for this year's LeucadiART Walk taking place on August 30th. 10 am to 5 pm. Last year they drew over 5,000 people to a one mile stretch of Leucadia's Highway 101 to view and purchase the artwork of southern California's best artists. This is a juried show so submit an application along with samples of your work. More info from Kellie Shay Hinze 760-436-2320
The village of Fallbrook's Art in Public Places Committee, a division of Fallbrook Arts Inc is seeking artists to participate in a public, temporary sculpture exhibit. This 18 month exhibit offers participating artists a unique opportunity to showcase their original sculpture Historic Downtown Fallbrook and get paid a fee of $1500. Submissions are due by Sept 30. More info: info@fallbrookartsinc.org 760.731.9584
Mingei International MuseumSelf-Taught Genius - Treasures from the American Folk Art Museum through August 16. This exhibition features masterpieces in a variety of forms including textiles and needlework, ceramics, sculptural and carved figures, drawings, paintings, furniture, and much more, dating from the 18th century to the present.
The San Diego Museum of Art Coney Island: Visions of an American Dreamland, 1861-2008 , July 11 to Oct13. This is the first major museum exhibition to explore the lure of this legendary playground through the lens of art!
Oceanside Museum of Art Four new shows open in July at OMA: Artist Alliance at the Museum 2015
BB Bastidates: Altering Alters; Art Transports us Out of Bounds: Prison Arts in San Diego; Some Assembly Required: A Re-Collection of Community are all on view until Nov 25. More info Collette 760.435.3721
The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego celebrate MCASD Downtown's newest exhibitions, Anya Gallaccio, John D. Spreckels and The Impossible Railroad, andPond Lily Over Mushroom Cloud: Byron Kim Adapts the Black on Black Cosmology of Maria Martinez. Plus Shore Thingin La Jollafrom 5PM - 8PM every Thursday during the months of July and August with free admission and a chance to see Dear Nemesis, Nicole Eisenman 1993-2013, soundscapes by DJs from The Roots Factory, and a cash bar. BYOP (bring your own picnic) for this extended hours event at the seaside Edwards Family Sculpture Garden.
Museum of Photographic Art Dream City: The 1915 Panama-California Exposition is on display through September. To celebrate the centennial anniversary, this exhibition highlights photographs taken by Francis Bruguière during that time.
We are sorry to hear of the passing of the pattern and decorative artist Miriam Schapiro, a most inspiring feminist artist who will be missed. She was Canadian but did spend time in San Diego as an art professor at UCSD.
Wendy Wilson is stepping down from the EAP/Municipal Gallery. The Operations Manager is Hayley Janecek and she is also in charge of volunteer. The Gallery Manager is Chrisanne Moats and both together will run the gallery until further notice.
Balboa Park Cultural Partnership is losing Amanda Sincavage who started in December 2009 as an Administrative Assistant. She then transitioned to the Learning Institute in September 2010 as the Programs Coordinator and Programs Manager before taking on the role of Acting Director in April 2014. In her 5 years with the Learning Institute, she has coordinated more than 230 programs serving over 6,000 participants.
The New Children’s Museum is going to be looking for someone to replace Julianna Markow as their executive director. Julianna came from a post in 2011 as deputy director for operations and finance at the San Diego Museum of Art. Will she be applying for ED of Oceanside Museum of Art or moving to another post in the musical chairs of the San Diego art scene. OMA got an Irwin Foundation grant to pay for a national wide search for their new director. It will be interesting to see if we get more east coast transplant looking for a place in the sun.
On July 2015 Sotheby’s Contemporary Art Auctions realized £148 million, their highest-ever total for a Contemporary Art sale series in Europe. Warhol's only hand-painted one-dollar bill painting sold for £20.9 million.
The National Building Museum presents the BEACH, created in partnership with Snarkitecture, covering 10,000 square feet and include an “ocean” of nearly one million recyclable translucent plastic balls. Monochromatic beach chairs and umbrellas sprinkle the 50-foot wide “shoreline,” and the “ocean” culminates in a mirrored wall that creates a seemingly infinite reflected expanse. Visitors are welcome to “swim” in the ocean, or can spend an afternoon at the “shore’s” edge reading a good book, play beach-related activities such as paddleball, grab a refreshing drink at the snack bar, or dangle their feet in the ocean off the pier.
Creativity at the Core Summer Institute is being offered by California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA) at Layola Marymount University on August 4-6. More info Sarah Anderberg: 916-446-3095
Quint Gallery recommends a visit to the well received installation, Excursus: Homage to the Square³ by Robert Irwin currently on view at Dia:Beacon in New York..
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RAW August 2015
Overheard: “ As a woodturner, I take a lot of pride in converting an ordinary piece of wood into a beautifully shaped and finished hollow vessel. A visitor to my exhibit once asked 'what kind of trees are these that grow into these shapes?”

Hung Viet Nguyen , one of the many artists in the Summertime Musings show at Sergott Contemporary Art Alliance
Tom Sergott through Sergott Contemporary Art Alliancecontinues to dedicate himself to helping artist by showing their work in Art Fairs around the country. Most of those artists are from San Diego and he deserves a great deal of thanks for giving them this opportunity to be exposed to a more national and even international audience. In the coming months he is going to Art Silicone Valley/San Francisco Fair, Oct 8-11, Art San Diego 2015 Nov 6-9 and Spectrum Show Miami in Dec2-6. He has already taken artist to shows this year in New York and the Hamptons. Coming up are two shows at his home in Rancho Santa Fe where you can see all new discoveries in Summertime Musings on August 28-29 and a show of work from Cuba and Latin America called Latinidad on Oct.16-17. Fri 2-7 PM & Sat 10-4. RSVP and directions: scaainbox@gmail.com
We are very much looking forward to the exhibition of Don Bachardy's Hollywood and the Reception at 11am with a Gallery talk 12 to 2 pm on Thurs. Sept 10. The show continues to Sept 29 at Southwestern College Art Gallery ( 900 Otay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, 91910) More info: More info: Vallo Riberto 619.421.6700 ext.53
Food For Thought: A Celebration of Food in Art opens onSat, Sept. 5 from 5 - 7 p.m and explores the use of food as both conceptual and formal tool in contemporary art. Artists include TR Colletta, Einar and Jamex de la Torre, Irene de Watteville, Sienna Degovia, Anthony Enyedy, Daryl Gortner, Alex Gross, Raul Guerrero, Kenny Harris, F. Scott Hess, Pamela Michelle Johnson, Laurie Hogin, Lori Larusso, Dave Lefner, Mark Licari, Jean Lowe, Nikki Moore, Betsy Schulz, Laura Swytak, Robert Townsend and Jean Wells.. From Sept 6 to Nov 8 at Cannon Art Gallery ( 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad, 92011) More info: Jillian Buccola 760-602-2021
Also opening on Sat, Sept 5 is Women’s Work at5 pm at R.B. Stevenson Gallery ( 7661 Girard Avenue, Suite 201, La Jolla 92037) Showing until Oct 17 will be Tania Alcala, Joanne Hayakawa, Celia Resiman, Gail Roberts, Ellen Salk and Vicki Walsh. More info: Ronald B. Stevenson 858.459.3917
The brand new Athenaeum Art Center will have its grand opening in September at Bread and Salt ( 1955 Julian Ave in Bario Logan, 92113). This will be 5,750 square feet of classes from the Athenaeum Art School, gallery and even a performance space. The fall line up of classes is very exciting plus there is a lecture series by Derrick Cartwright in La Jolla: Notes on Pop 1910 to1990 A short history of a long cultural phenomenon
Also at the Bread and Salt building is Neil Shigley showing new work on the continuing theme of Invisible People which document on a very large scale, the homeless. The show starting on Sept 12, 2015 5-9pm is at Bread & Salt Gallery ( 1955 Julian Avenue, San Diego 92113). For more info: breadandsaltgallery@gmail.com or neilshigley@yahoo.com 619.203.6557
Great friend of SDVAN, Jonathan Glasier, is opening the Kalimba Center for the Arts at 1424 Suite A 30th Street San Diego CA 92154 in October 2015. The site is one building away from the Iris Trolley Stop, less than two miles from the Mexican Border. He owned this building for over 10 years and have recently decided to create an arts center in the two story 3300 sq. ft. space. This will include a performance space, and administrative office, a gift store, six artist studios, and a kitchen area. They hope to create a cross cultural artistic environment and also have classes and lectures as well as performances of improvised, microtonal, electronic and other types of creative music making. There is plenty of parking and although it is not a popular area for restaurants, it is in a clean well kept area of commercial buildings and easily accessible from the Iris Trolley stop.
Our blog writer and artist Cathy Breslaw is having a solo show Macro Views, Micro Wonders with a reception Tuesday Sept 8 at 4:30 to 6:30. Ms. Breslaw will lecture following the reception. The exhibition is on until Sept 30 at Mesa College Art Gallery ( 7250 Mesa College Dr, SD 92111) More info: Allesandra Moctezuma 619-388-2829. Watch for Installing An Art Exhibition Is A Creative Act - Follow Behind The Scenes Process At San Diego Mesa College Beginning Soon! Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw.
SPF15 is a series of art exhibition held on the beach arranged by Morgan Mandalay. The next one is Sun. Sept. 20 at Coronado Dog Beach and will include Alex Wolf’s Dogshoppe, This is a pop up gallery where nothing is for sale, but sounds like infectious fun.
We know that Gerrit Greve is one of the most prolific artists in the county and it is nice to see him producing some themed books so those of us who have not seen some of the earlier creations can indulge in these works on line. The latest is Women on Paper by Gerrit Greve: 1974 to 1984.
Con)Text: Rethinking Language in Art at SDAI Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
Naimeh Tahna A+ Art Blog by Patricia Frischer
24th Annual Juried Exhibition at Athenaeum Music & Arts Library Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
Creative Journey: La Jolla artist Faiya Fredman is still exploring new techniques at age 90 Picked Ripe and La Jolla Light by Lonnie Burstein Hewitt
Multi-Media Exhibition by Six Artists - Created By Ship In The Woods, At Space 4 Art San Diego Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
Running with Scissors at Art on 30th Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Installing An Art Exhibition Is A Creative Act - Follow Behind The Scenes Process At San Diego Mesa College Beginning Soon! Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
Farm Creative Market and Art School Art Mural at ArtWalk NTC Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
James and Brennan Hubbell “Together” – Sparks Gallery Picked Ripeby Melinda R.
n Praise of Saying Thank You A+Art Blog by Patricia Frischer
County Wide Reports
History halted City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Artists set for Athenaeum's annual juried show SD Union Tribune by James Chute
Art, music collide with traveling gallery: Tim Cantor Daily Herald by Kara Coleman
Home is where the art is, Steven Churchill and Doug Simay City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
A renaissance on Logan Avenue City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
How to deal with ignorance City Beat by Alex Zaragoza
San Diego Crime Victims Oak Garden provides solace for those who seek it City Beat by Jessica Johnson
Cardiff Street Art Parodies Shark Attack SD7 by Laura McVicker
SDFP Cartoonist Junco Canché to Have First Solo Exhibit of Work SD Free Press by Brent E. Beltrán
Photographer, illustrator see eye to eye in San Diego Botanic Garden exhibit Encinitas Advocate by Jared Whitlock
The Century-Long History of Coney Island Is the Subject of an Exhibition in San Diego Architectural Digest by Stephanie Strasnick
Powerful monument set for Chula Vista SD Union Tribune by Allison Sampite-Montecalvo
An Immigrant’s Leadership Helps the New Americans Museum Times of San Diego by Mimi Pollack
Chicano-Con Is San Diego's Latino-Focused Comic-Con KCET by Alex Zaragoza
La Jolla's permit reviewers approve museum expansion La Jolla Light by Pat Sherman
Culture Report: The Best and Brightest in San Diego Arts Voice of SD by Alex Zaragoza
Creativity in the Smart City Is What Makes a City Really Smart Huffington Post by John M. Eger
Rebirth of Stagnant San Diego Art Institute Riles Some of Its Members Hyperallergic by Benjamin Sutton (note this is national and not local press)
Coney Island: Visions of an American Dreamland, 1861-2008 Vanguard Culture by Anna Robert
Comicon North at Studio Door Gallery Vanguard Culture by Rebecca Romani
Inocente found City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Writing with Pictures explores the art of picture books City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Kristina Bell DiTullo selected for the Athenaeum's annual juried exhibition City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
The New Life of the San Diego Art Institute KCET by Robert L. Pincus
SPF15 turns beaches into galleries City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
A colorful kickoff of the Fairmount Corridor Arts Concept City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
OPPORTUNITIES (click to see a list of all current opportunities listed on SDVAN)
Dennis Sarram , curator for Hera Hub is seeking handmade craft and art with a recycled or natural found object theme $20-$100 for Up-Cycled: wonder- filled art of transforming trash into treasure. There are limited vendor spaces available for this two hour events expecting 80 people. 30% commission taken on all items sold. For more info: Denis Sarram 619-384-5161
Call for Artists with art pieces referencing some aspect of Mission Trails Regional Park, at One Father Junipero Serra, SD 92119. Exhibition runs Oct 10 to Nov 6. For more info: Vicky DeLong 619-286-1361
Raymond Elstad will be offering a studio lighting workshop for portrait, fashion and pin up photography. This will be especially helpful if you are considering setting up a studio in your home or already have some studio lighting and don't quite know how to use it. You will learn how to use one, two and three light set ups and more and tips on setting up your own studio from this seasoned studio photographer in his Cardiff by the Sea studio. Small Group workshop limited to 6 attendees. The date(s) of the workshop will be set as those interested sign up and will be continued to be offered in the future. No dates have been set yet, please, call or email with your interest. Raymond Elstad 760-943-7496
Mingei International MuseumExhibitions presents Carved and Whittled Sculpture : American Folk Art Walking Sticks from the Hill Collection from July 25 - Jan 10, 2016. Between the mid-nineteenth and mid-twentieth centuries, American folk artists created thousands of carved and painted wood sculptures in the form of utilitarian walking sticks. This exhibition of folk sculpture, organized by the Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio, and curated by Michael D. Hall provides a unique view of creativity and culture.
Oceanside Museum of Art is pleased to be open a bit longer on Sunday from 1 to 4 pm. Artists David Fobes and Mark Siprut have collaborated on a unique, immersive, and interactive multimedia installation called Some Assembly Required:A Re-Collection of Community showing through Jan 3 of 2016. They are using a collection of photographs and videos solicited from locals that reflects the diverse heritage and contemporary visual culture that is Oceanside. Visitors will be able to customize by pushing buttons within the gallery, creating their own personal visual experience.
Be a part of this exhibition! Imagery will be added to the exhibition throughout its run. Do you have images of people, places, color, and “flavor” that express iconic significance to you as a community member of Oceanside? Click here for image submission guidelines.
The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego received one of seven grants awarded by Museums Connect, a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the American Alliance of Museums (AAM). Museums Connect pairs museums in the United States with museums abroad for a cross-cultural exchange that brings people, especially youth, together through community projects that address topics of local relevance. MCASD's Teen Advisory Group (TAG) will embark on a yearlong program with the theme Youth Empowerment through Social Practice Art: Strategies for Coping with Violence and Trauma. Watch for San Diego Collects at its La Jolla location from Sept 26 through Jan 10, 2016. The exhibition will feature a selection of artworks from private collections around the region
Kathryn Kanjo served as Chief Curator from 2010-2015 but has just been promoted to the Deputy Director, Art and Programs at The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego. Congratulation, Kathryn.
Ai Weiwei got his passport back so we are noting this in the transition section as he will be able now to travel the world.
On July 26, 2015, architect Robert Mosher passed away in his San Diego home. Mosher, along with Roy Drew as part of the firm Mosher & Drew, was responsible for the 1949, 1959, and 1979 expansions of philanthropist Ellen Browning Scripps' La Jolla home, originally constructed by Irving Gill. These expansions were the first steps in creating the building that is now MCASD's La Jolla location.
Avenue of the Stars in Los Angeles will feature SD’s Jeffery Laudenslager’s three soaring, 22-foot kinetic works of titanium and stainless steel, propelled by air and wind currents. The Century City Sculpture 2015 is organized by Carl Schlosberg, the exhibition’s curator and Chair of the Sculpture Committee of the Century City Chamber of Commerce Arts Council and the Century City Arts & Culture Foundation
Have you got tidbits that you want to broadcast. Contact info@sdvisualarts.net
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RAW September 2015
Overheard: "As we were passing one booth, an artist was arranging an object d'art on his wall. A lady asked him, "How big is it?" "Twenty inches." he replied. She said, "It looks bigger than that." The artist was silent for several moments. Then he said simply "Men have been lying to you.""

Jeremy Sicile-Kira ( a local non-verbal autistic artist with synesthesia—the ability to see letters and words in color) and Michael Tolleson (an artist with Aspergers) will both be participating Sat., Sept 26 at the two-day Love & Autism: A Conference with Heart in San Diego. Above left is Jeremy’s portrait from the first all-autism wedding of Anita and Abraham.
Playing La Jolla (for all it’s worth) by Terry Allen (above right) is now located at 7611 Faye Avenue. A new mural by Marcos Ramirez ERRE All That It Proves (2015) is at 7744 Fay Avenue and replaces the mural by Richard Allen Morris. Both are part of the Murals of La Jolla project. Murals of La Jolla offers tours the last Wednesday of the month (September 30 and October 28) starting at the Athenaeum Music & Arts Library at 5:30 p.m. RSVPs are suggested.
Funding For The Arts Month @ SDAI begins with Breaking the Ice: Facilitated Networking Event for Artists and Arts Organizationson Oct 5 and continues all month with evenings from 6 to 8 pm. Continuing Oct 7 Meet the Funders; Oct 8 Looking at and Talking About Art (Jennifer de Carlo, Director of jdc fine art; Larry Baza, Chair of the San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture; Patricia Frischer, Founder of the San Diego Visual Arts Network; Alessandra Moctezuma, Professor of Fine Art and Director of the Mesa College Art Gallery); Oct 11 from10 am -12 pm and 1-4 pm Art Schools and Defining Success as an Artist: Two-Part Session; Oct 14 Becoming an Art Non-Profit versus Fiscal Sponsorship with Natalia Mount; Oct 15 Creating Art in Public Space (Dana Springs, Executive Director of the San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture; Lauren Lockhart, Art Program Manager at San Diego International Airport; and local artists Wick Alexander, Robin Brailsford, and Roy McMakin); Oct 19 Art and Activism (John Malpede, Founding Artistic Director of the Lost Angeles Poverty Department; Luis G. Hernandez, Artist/Co-Founder of the MexiCali Biennial and Director of the Steppling Art Gallery at SDSU; Amy Sanchez and Misael Diaz of cog*nate collective; Felicia Montes, Co-Founder and Coordinating Core Member of Mujeres de Maíz; and Oscar Romo, Professor of Urban Studies and Planning at UCSD and Founding Director of Alter Terra); Oct 20 Grant Opportunities for Photographers in partnership with MEDIUM Photography Festival; Oct 28 Fundraising Through Special Events; Oct 29 Accessing Space to Create and Present Art(Andrea Chung,2009 Fulbright Scholar Fellow; Alisunn Curtin, Administrative Director of Space 4 Art; Santiago Hernandez, Founder of TiJerUS; and Patric Stillman, Founder and Director of The Studio Door). Sponsored by the San Diego Foundation and Commission for Arts and Culture. Only $5 admission fee for non-members. More info: Marina Grize
Congratulations to Dan Adams who has work in the Artist Alliance exhibit at the Oceanside Museum of Art. "The Kid" on view until Oct. 4 and "Duo" on view Oct. 10, until Jan. 3, 2016. Dan also had three paintings accepted in the Athenaeum's 24th Annual Juried Exhibition and the best news is that he was selected as one of the four Cannon Art Gallery 2015 Invitational Exhibit artists. That show is Nov. 22 - Feb. 2016. Reception Sat. Nov. 21, 5-7pm.
There are two shows called Women’s Work on show in SD right now, so is this a trend? R.B. Stevenson Gallery is showing a group including Tania Alcala, Joanne Hayakawa, Celia Reisman, Gail Roberts, Ellen Salk and Vicki Walsh until Oct 17. Sixteen more artists are included in the show at the San Diego Art Institute from Oct 2 to Nov 15. But there are men included in the second show which is tag lined Masculinity and Gender in Contemporary Fiber Art. The first is women working as artists and the second is fiber art categorized as women’s work but contemporized for the 21 st century.
Chula Vista is to be commended. They made an investment in arts instruction made possible by $15 million in funding approved by the Chula Vista school board in June. The allocation flowed from Gov. Jerry Brown's state local control funding formula that shifted education spending decisions to the local level and targets disadvantaged students. Chula Vista Elementary School District with serves 30,000 students hired approx. 60 new art teachers with more hires to come.
Kinsee Morlan reports on bill AB 189 in Voice of SD. “When this becomes law, cultural districts could apply to get recognition similar to that of historical districts. The bill tasks the California Arts Council with administering the program, which invites artsy hotbeds as organized and manufactured as NTC at Liberty Station or grassroots and organic as Barrio Logan to apply for the official state designation.”
Space 4 Art’s biennial fall show Response focuses on artist collaborations with an emphasis on how art can be displayed in novel ways, viewed from different perspectives, and used to activate unexpected areas. Thanks to a grant from the San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture, Space 4 Art was able to support invited artists to consider new ways to re-contextualize their work, draw inspiration from the building and grounds to create site-specific pieces, and work together to create new and unexpected collaborations. Showing until Oct 10.
If you have an extra $1000 and want to support the arts then the Red Hot Chili Pepper is performing at Belly Up on Cedros in Solana Beach on the evening of September 29. The $600,000 raised will support ARTS - A Reason To Survive, Heartbeat Music Academy, San Diego Young Artists Music Academy and Silverlake Conservatory of Music and is being hosted by the SD Foundation. More info: rhcp@sdfoundation.org 619.814.1381
If you missed the best art installation at the 2014 Art SD show, then you are in luck. A Ship in the Woods is showcasing Rhodopsin at the WoW (Without Walls) Festival at La Jolla Playhouse Oct 9 to 11. This time they are working with artist and architect Patrick Shields, sound artist Greg Smaller, neuroscientist John Reynolds and vision scientist Patrick Cavanagh on the next adaptation of this collaborative project.
Curator Susan Myrland on the Central Public Library presents a show called Rainmake which includes water-related works by a dozen artists, including Adam Belt, Roman de Salvo, Michael Field, Margaret Noble, Scott Polach, Eva Struble, and Jim Wilsterman.
Iris Scott at Adelman Fine Art Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
Food for Thought: A Celebration of Food in Art at Cannon Art Gallery Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Installing An Art Exhibition Is A Creative Act At San Diego Mesa College Picked RAW Peeled by Cathy Breslaw
Cathy Breslaw at Mesa College Art Gallery Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Don Bachardy's Hollywood at Southwestern College Art Gallery Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Patti Cooprider at 1210 Gallery in La Jolla Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
Kelsey Brookes Psychedelic Space at Quint Gallery Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
Women's Work at RB Stevenson Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
Max Ernst Greis at Lux Institute Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
Maker’s Spaces A+ Art Blog by Patricia Frischer
County Wide Reports
San Diego Art Institute in the Clear Union Tribune by James Chute
The fight to reunite City Beat by Alex Zaragoza
La Jolla gallery ready to bust out of its chrysalis City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Anna Stump’s 'Chula Vistan' as a platform for a wider conversation City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
Open Spaces: Public Art for CommunityTransformation Vanguard Culture by Sherehe Hollins
Celebrating ArtWalk NTC’s 10 Year Anniversary Vanguard Culture by Sherehe Hollins
Ship In The Woods: Here/Hear at Space4Art Vanguard Culture by Cathy Breslaw
Culture Report: Carlsbad Bookstore Faces Its Own Cliffhanger Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan
Anita Feldman wants to free the art at SDMA Union Tribune by James Chute
Carlsbad artist brightens up school’s walls Union Tribune by Pat Maio
Lincoln Acres Library gets mural Union Tribune by Allison Sampite-Montecalvo
Anton Orlov is all about analogCity Beat by Kinsee Morlan
The cutesy creatures of Shelby Gubba’s mind are back City Beat by Seth Combes
Andy Horwitz talks about the SDAI exhibition Looming by Dia Bassett
Culture Report: Questioning the Future of Public Art in San Diego Voice of SD by Kinsee Morlan
Chula Vista Making $15M Investment In Arts Education KPBS by Mary Plummer
Chula Vista Unified Commits $15 Million to the Arts and Art Integration Huffington Post by John Eger
New Public Art Manager Eyes Projects Beyond Downtown, Beyond Vanilla Voice of SD by Kinsee Morlan
Jonathan Green's search for beauty Union Tribune by James Chute
Checking In On The California Center For The Arts In Escondido KPBS by Beth Accomando, Katie Schoolov
Bhavna Mehta’s Gush breaks out at Oceanside Museum of Art Union Tribune by Catherine Gaugh
Neko returns to work on downtown murals City Beat by Seth Combes
Aren Skalman breathes life into ordinary objects City Beat by Seth Combes
Private art made public City Beat by Kinsee Morlan
In the Lab City Beat by Seth Combes
Wow Factor City Beat by David Codden
Culture Report: Covering Up Our ‘Urban Acne’ Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan
Don Bachardy’s Hollywood Portraits Make County Debut In Chula Vista KPBS by Angela Carone
S.D. African American Museum of Fine Arts Swings High with New Exhibition San Diego Story by Karaig Cavanaugh
Signs of life in bleak landscapes City Beat by Seth Combes
The Macro Views and Micro Wonders City Beat by Seth Combes
#Instabrand City Beat by Seth Combes
OPPORTUNITIES (click to see a list of all current opportunities listed on SDVAN)
The Gotthelf Art Gallery, (4126 Executive Drive, La Jolla, 92037) part of the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center, is pleased to announce the new exhibition Things We Pass Down, running December 8, 2015 – February 24, 2016. If you are a Jewish artist and would like to participate in this show, please send a photo of the piece you would like to submit that speaks to this theme. Deadline: November 1, For More Information: leoraw@lfjcc.org 858.362.1154
Just Sayin is a national competition and show that honors the magic of the relationship between words and images. Any and all works of art that encompass literacy; words, text, and letters are eligible. Art on 30th ( 4434 30th Street, SD 92116) is offering a prize for Best in Show and First place winners. They also have some studio spaces available for interested artist from 100 square feet to 400 square feet ranging in price from $275-$1,025. For more info: Samantha Jass 619-894-9009
The Annual Recycle Fashion Runway Show is happening at Escondido Municipal Gallery and photos (jpgs) of your recycled wearable fashion(s) should be sent by Tuesday October 13, 2015 Entry Fee: $15.00 for up to 3 garments. Accepted artists will be announced by Friday October 16. Delivery Dates for Accepted Garments: Sat. Oct. 17, 11am-4pm & Sun. Oct. 18, 2-4pm. For more information: Chrisanne Moats 760480-4101
The City of Carlsbad’s Library & Cultural Arts Department seeks an artist or artist team to develop site-integrated artwork in conjunction with future park improvements for the Aviara Community Park. The total project budget is $65,000, download the proposal specifications and click on the “Open requests for proposals, bids or qualifications” link. More info: Vincent Kitch 760.602.2430.
The San Diego Symphony is looking for artists who are willing to paint pianos for our Pianos in Public Spaces Project. These painted pianos will be on display encouraging community music making from January 8th to February 8th all around Downtown and the surrounding area. These pianos should tell the stories of San Diego and the artists who paint them, to reflect our diverse community. This is one of the first collaboration of the Symphony with the visual arts community and we hope sincerely it is one of many. More info: Allison Morrissey 619-236-5420
Mingei International Museum Made In America - Craft Icons of the 50 States is curated by Director Rob Sidner. This exhibition is over two years in the making, and features distinctive traditional and contemporary iconic artwork to represent each of our 50 states. This exhibition of old and new craft icons highlights distinctive materials, excellence of workmanship and makers' imaginations. It explores the variety of craft found throughout the nation while expressing each state's unique contribution to the richness of the American experience. Opens Sept19 and runs through Feb 21, 2016.
The San Diego Museum of Art celebrates the centennial of Balboa Park and the daily musical performances held during the 1915 Panama-California exposition with The Art of Music. This exhibition explores the multi-faceted intersection and culturally diverse relationship between music and art. The largest exhibition in the Museum's recent history, The Art of Music features over 200 works and offers visitors a rare opportunity to see works by iconic artists, including Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, and Fernando Botero
Oceanside Museum of Art presents Bhavna Mehta: GUSH with an opening reception on Sat Oct 10 of the final installation of the Paper Pattern Story project supported by the Creative Catalyst Fund Grant from the SD Foundation. More info: Bhavna Mehta 760 435-3720. Dave Hampton is giving a walking tour of Tues, Sept 29, 6:30–8pm which is free for members & students, $10 nonmembers. Call to RSVP 760.435.3721
The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego ( La Jolla)San Diego Collects opening Sat, Sept. 26 to Jan. 10 shows 52 pieces of artwork from the private collections of 20 local families. Lots of big names so don’t miss this one.
Museum of Photographic Art Pay What You Wish admission has been extended! From now until Jan. 29, 2016, visitors will be able to continue to choose how much they would like to pay for admission every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Women’s History Museum and Education Center Always participating in the Friday Night Liberty event this month on Friday, Oct 2 from 5: to 9 pm along with over the new San Diego Comic Art Gallery and the even newer FARM Creative Market and Art School
New Children’s Museum Eureka ! Will open on Oct 17 featuring; Globos by Collective Magpie - a monumental balloon, shaped by the people of Tijuana and San Diego, Globos symbolizes California’s dual nature and enables cross-border connections; Desert Derby by Roman de Salvo - a landscape of reservoirs and roads inspired by Southern California’s true nature as an engineered phenomenon in the desert;Car-a-oke by Nick Rodrigues - a karaoke makeover transforms the ever-present California car into a karaoke booth, creating a place for connection, caring and shared family memories; Reconnecting to Home by Alison Pebworth - a fantastical tower that offers opportunities for open-ended play, exploration and the discovery of California’s real gold - the connections we have with each other; Sandbox Gallery by Jesse Kaminsky and the Museum’s Creative Team -the ultimate indoor beach, featuring rotating works of video art. Eureka! encourages one to explore the Golden State, by “digging deeper” and experiencing those “aha” moments we have every day
On Oct 30, Timken Museum of Art celebrates 50 years at their Orange and Black Ball starting at 6 pm. This is a masquerade with proceeds from the evening providing essential support to the arts education and outreach programs. There are two ticket levels, the Gala Cocktail Party & Dinner $1000 or the Timken After Dark Cocktail party $100.
San Diego Museum of Man It is that time of year and as Halloween approaches, super experiences for your kids at the Monster! exhibition where you can see beasts familiar and strange, real and imagined, kind-hearted and troublesome, from across the span of human history and culture.
Center for the Arts EscondidoRe-membering our Ancestors Discovering Ourselves from Sat. Oct 10 to Sun Nov 22 is the annual Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). These celebrations spring up all around SD and SDVAN encourages you to attend the one in Encinitas hosted by the Encinitas Friends of the Arts this year which is at the Encinitas Community Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive on Nov 1 from 1 to 5 pm and is free with support hopefully of Dave Roberts Supervisor of the 3 rd district. Others are held in Solana Beach, Old Town, Mission San Luis Rey, Market Creek, and at the Masonic Cemetery in Fallbrook.
Voice of San Diego once more produces a Meeting of the Minds event at the Fleet Science Center. You can hear Alexis Miller, chief conservator of paintings at the Balboa Art Conservation Center, talking about using X-rays to examine artists’ original intent, a duo from the Center for Bioinspiration at the San Diego Zoo discussing their animal-inspired innovations and more on Oct 1 from 6 to 8pm
Kathryn Kanjo served as Chief Curator from 2010-2015 but has just been promoted to the Deputy Director, Art and Programs at The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego. Congratulation, Kathryn.
Ai Weiwei got his passport back so we are noting this in the transition section as he will be able now to travel the world.
On July 26, 2015, architect Robert Mosher passed away in his San Diego home. Mosher, along with Roy Drew as part of the firm Mosher & Drew, was responsible for the 1949, 1959, and 1979 expansions of philanthropist Ellen Browning Scripps' La Jolla home, originally constructed by Irving Gill. These expansions were the first steps in creating the building that is now MCASD's La Jolla location.
Don Porcella, husband of SDAI director Ginger Porcella was interviewed on New York City's WBAI (99.5FM) Public Radio Station in August. Broadcast in New York and on 40 other affiliate radio stations across the country. Actor Patrick Stewart of Star Trek, Poet Linda Lerner and Artist Don Porcella on Arts Express with Prairie Miller.
Eli and Edythe Broad's new museum, the Broad, opened Sept. 20 in downtown Los Angeles. You can read all about it in the Los Angeles Times.
Have you got tidbits that you want to broadcast. Contact info@sdvisualarts.net
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RAW October 2015
Overheard: "Untitled, Untitled, Untitled! Couldn't someone with so much imagination think of a title?"

San Diego Art Prize 2015 at Art San Diego Contemporary Art Show isNovember 5-8, 2015 and this year features Wendy Maruyama with emerging artist Peter Scheidt and Roy McMakin with emerging artist Kevin Inman. The 2015 SD Art Prize Catalog is available for a free download and has Art Notes by Tara Centybear, Curator at San Diego History Center, freelance Curator for the La Jolla Historical Society, Artist, and Teacher at MiraCosta College; Mark Murphy, curator/ publisher/designer Murphy Design; Ginger Porcella, Executive Director, San Diego Art Institute; and Alex Zaragoza, freelance arts and culture writer (Booths #300 and #400, Balboa Park Activity Center, 2145 Park Boulevard, San Diego 92101) VIP Opening Night: Thursday, Nov, 5, 2015, 5pm - 7pm First Preview, 7pm - 9pm Opening Night Preview Regular Fair Hours: Friday, Nov. 6 - 12noon - 8pm, Saturday, Nov. 7 - 12noon - 8pm, Sunday, Nov. 8 - 12noon - 5pm
A Moment in Time: SD Art Prize will celebrate 10 years of the SD Art at a special Time Line Private Party onFri. Nov 6, 2015 from 6 to 8 pm To get on the list make sure and give a donation to SDVAN. This party will features Stefani Byrd, hosted tidbits and a special donation cocktail to help support SDVAN who financed the SD Art Prize.
The Open Walls Project is just one of many projects that occur during Art San Diego Contemporary Art Show (Nov 5-8). The Timeline Project[META.MORPHOSIS]: SAN DIEGO'S EVOLVING ART LANDSCAPE will depict a retrospective of the past and present San Diego Art Prize recipients. The 120′ x 8′ wall will be built by ECOR Noble Environmental Design, with the graphic design created by students from the Media Design School of Digital Arts at NewSchool of Architecture & Design
We are pleased to announce that the following artists, all recipients of the SD Art Prizeare being featured in a billboard project downtown during Art San Diego: Gail Roberts, Yvonne Venegas, Marianela de la Hoz, Bhavna Mehta, Larry & Debby Kline, Iana Quesnell, Jay Johnson, Raul Guerrero Ernest Silva Pending - Allison Wiess, Joseph Huppert. This Open Walls Project exhibition has been made possible by our Presenting Sponsor: Art San Diego Contemporary Art Show and CBS Outdoor.
Join SDVAN for the Art San Diego after party: Electric Signal from 8 to 11 pm at San Diego Art Institute
(1439 El Prado, San Diego 92101) $10 admission. Artists Lana Z. Caplan, Tiffany Carbonneau, and Shannon Willis will have video work on site that responds to their outdoor installations at Art San Diego. See SDAI’s current exhibition Women’s Work: Masculinity and Gender in Contemporary Fiber Art. DJs Ana A. Brown and La Bucky will pump the crowd up before noted rock band L.A. Witch performs at 9:30pm. A complimentary shuttle will drive visitors between Art San Diego and San Diego Art Institute starting at 8pm.
Other Art Lab projects at Art San Diego Contemporary Art Show include Light the Night is a video, light mapping and interactive installation by Lana Z. Caplan, Tiffany Carbonneau and Shannon Willis curated by Ginger Shulick Porcella of SDAI who has also worked with SD Mesa College to feature works of emerging artist through the Moveable Feast booth.This year’s Spotlight Program is ARTE Cuba. Brittany Segal is this year’s LaunchPad artist.
Encinitas Dia de los Muertos is onSun. Nov 1 from 1-5 pm.Produced by Encinitas Friends of the Arts at Encinitas Community Center ( 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Encinitas, 92024) Surfing Madonna Community Ofrenda with Fun for the whole family including an art exhibit, art making workshops, artist demos, food trucks, opportunity drawings and giveaways. So honor the memory of a loved one or friend by contributing a photo or a non-valuable remembrance to the alter. More info: Naimeh Tanha Woodward
Synergy Art Foundation will offer 73 diverse small-format paintings created by local artists at extremely affordable prices on Sun, Nov 15th, from 3 – 6 p.m. at the Solana Beach City Hall Gallery located at 635 South Highway 101, Solana Beach, CA 92075. The exhibition will continue through the end of December with all proceeds benefitting the Unatti Foundation in Nepal, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing food, shelter and education for the multitude of orphaned and underprivileged children of Nepal. Also for sale at the opening reception Earth’s Elements will be selling interesting, hand-made Nepalese items in support of our mission to aid these orphans impacted further by the devastating earthquakes earlier this year. For more info: Naomi Nussbaum
Save the date NCAN Visual Art Programming Meeting on Tue. Dec 1, 10 to noon at SDVAN ( 2487 Montgomery Avenue, Cardiff by the Sea, 92007). More info: Patricia Frischer 760.943.0148. Further NCAN meetings are held as follows: Art Education Tue. Dec 1, 1-2:30 pm, Studio One Theater CCA, Escondido; Civic Arts/Public Art Wed. Dec 2, 2 – 3:30 Encinitas Town Hall; Arts Funding/Economic Development Thurs. Dec 3, 10:30 to noon SD North Economic Development Council, San Marcus; Performing Arts Programming Thurs. Dec 3, 1 – 2:30 New Village Arts Theater, Carlsbad: and Arts Marketing/Audience Development Fri. Dec 4, 1 to 2:30 Artbeat on Main Street, Vista. More info: Daniel Foster 951.334.5677. Here is a report on the last meeting North County Arts Network (NCAN) Arts and Economic Development by Patricia Frischer.
Governor Jerry Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 189, a measure empowering the California Arts Council to designate areas as Cultural Districts! The districts will be approved by the Council through a competitive application process. As part of the program, we'll provide technical and promotional support to the districts, as well as collaborate with public agencies and private entities to maximize the benefits to the local and state economy. Did you know that Escondido Arts District (Escondido Art Partnership), Gaslamp National Historic District, NTC Foundation at Liberty Station and The Boulevard Arts District (Commission for Arts and Culture) are the only four Cultural Districts in San Diego County? Americans for the Arts has created a website with great information about National Cultural Districts Exchange. You can also read John Eger’s article on this subject in the Huffington Post.
We are very excited to see the 47 site specific works at Convergence curated by Lianne Muellerfor A Ship In The Woods which opens on Sat. Nov 14 , 4 to 11 pm. There is a very exciting line up of artist who will speak to issues of ecology and environmental sustainability as well as historical relevance and cultural significance of the people that have lived in and around Cabrillo. The work that is not permanent will be on view until Dec 15. $15, free for child (1800 Cabrillo Memorial Dr , San Diego, CA 92106) More info: Lianne Mueller 619.557.5450
San Diego ’s inaugural month of photography is aptly named PHOTOLAB. A project of the Medium Festival of Photography, it celebrates the rich diversity of photography across San Diego County, encouraging increased participation from our community in the expanding field of photography, the medium of our time. Nearly 14,000 guides being picked up, read, and cherished from San Ysidro to Borrego Springs, Julian, Oceanside, North Park as we invite you to check out listings online to promote some of the best photography exhibitions and events happening in San Diego this October.
The Encinitas City Council has given its unanimous vote of confidence to the Encinitas Arts, Culture and Ecology Alliance [EACEA] in its bid to become the operating partner of the Pacific View site. In its September 23 meeting, EACEA was chosen over five other applicants. EACEA is a consortium of many local arts, culture and agriculturally oriented individuals and groups represented by ecologist and building restorer Garth Murphy and Jon Humphrey from the Switchfoot organization. You can read more this at Save Pacific View.
Congratulation to Madison Gallery in La Jolla for being voted one of the best 500 galleries in the world by Blouin and Modern Painter.
We love Wayne Thiebaud and he came to SD to talk about his show By Hand: Works on Paper from 1965 – 2015 now on view at University of San Diego’s Robert and Karen Hoehn Family Galleries through Dec. 11
Painting the parking structure at 707 was San Diego artist, Christopher Konecki’s largest project to date as well as the largest mural project in San Diego. The three murals cover a combined area of 9,360 SQFT located near the heart of the busy downtown business district. Commissioned by Emmes Realty, the huge works were completed over the course of 5 weeks with the assistance of Neko Burke.
SD Marker's Faire in Balboa Park Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
First Maker Faire San Diego celebrates inventive DIY-ers in Balboa ParkPicked RAW Peeled and La Jolla Light by Lonnie Burstein Hewitt.
Women's Work: Masculinity and Gender in Contemporary Fiber Art at SDAIPicked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
New ‘Art of Music’ exhibit engages eyes and ears at San Diego Museum of Art Picked Ripe and La Jolla Light by Lonnie Burstein Hewitt
ART MAKES THINGS STRANGE: Looking at and Talking About Art A+Art Blog and Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Self Reflection: Youth Exhibition of Self Portraiture at Museum of Photographic Arts Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
Bhavna Mehta: Gush plus Oceanside Museum of Art tasterPicked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Open Studios San Diego Produced By Studio Door Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Latinidad at Sergott Contemporary Art Alliance Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
North County Arts Network (NCAN) Arts and Economic Development Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
County Wide Reports
In Logan Heights, Good Fence Makes Good Neighbors Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan
When a Wall Becomes a Window Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan
Educating at the Intersection of Art and Technology Huffington Post by John Eger
2015 fall arts preview: Visual art Union Tribune by James Chute
Unearthing Awesomeness at Meeting of the Minds Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan
Breast assured City Beat by Seth Combes
Derek Dunfee catches waves in more ways than one City Beat by Seth Combes
On the Seen City Beat by Seth Combes with Alessandra Moctezuma, Ginger Shulick Porcella, and Morgan Mandalay
Disclosed unLocation to have its last art show City Beat by Seth Combes
David Wing exposes San Diego’s ever-changing landscape City Beat by Seth Combes
Linking Art, Culture, Commerce and Through Technology, the World Huffington Post by John Eger
Reimagining the Relationship Between Art and Audience Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan
A Ship in the Woods keeps sailing City Beat by Seth Combes
Culture Report: San Diego Opera Rolls the Dice on David Bennett Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan
Third Pacific Beach murals project to be installed at MBHS San Diego Community Newspaper Group
Kim Emerson: Artist’s style with tile SD Union Tribune by Sophy Chaffee
The work of Joseph Huppert is (not) (un)balancedCity Beat by Seth Combes
To See or Not to See: 'San Diego Collects' City Beat by Seth Combes
The colorful life of designer Zandra Rhodes Union Tribune by Michele Parente
Unleashing Artists on a Kids Museum Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan
On the Seen City Beat by Seth Combes
OPPORTUNITIES (click to see a list of all current opportunities listed on SDVAN)
We are delighted to hear that the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation in San Diego, CA has released a Request for Qualifications for Phase 1 of the Chollas Creek Gateways Public Art Project. If short listed, artists will be contracted in the amount of $3,000 to craft detailed conceptual proposals including an itemized budget, scale models and renderings, and an in-depth project description. The deadline has passed but it is good to know that Victoria Hamilton (619. 527.6161) is still involved in supporting artist and bringing art to our community.
The NTC at Liberty Station is making a call for artist for an environmental, outdoor light Installation either on the ground, on a rooftop, in nearby trees, or as a photo background. Installation could be themed with the holidays, the history of Naval Training Center San Diego, or simply artful. Note: the installation is in the flight path to San Diego International Airport so be mindful of not interfering with the flight path or FAA rules. This is a pilot project for the new Art in Public Places Program; future art installation opportunities are planned. For more info: Whitney Roux 619 573 9304
Oceanside Museum of Art Artist Alliance is working with the North Coast RepertoryTheatre Café & Gallery to create a series of juried exhibition opportunities open to current members of OMA Artist Alliance. The exhibitions and opening receptions will coincide with five scheduled productions at the theater in 2016, and each will be themed with the current production. Artwork will be juried by NCRT staff. Submissions must be made online through onlinejuriedshows.com.
City of Carlsbad Call to Public Artist - RFQ seeks to commission an artist to design, fabricate and install permanent original artwork to be located within the Pine Avenue Community Park. The design team envisions the artwork as a playful and discoverable “garden folly” element(s) that relates to and/or exemplifies the historic and cultural features unique to the Carlsbad community. The total project budget is $100,000, all inclusive of travel expenses, taxes and other project costs. More info: Vincent Kitch 760-434-2921
The San Diego Art Institute is making a call for artists for DECEMBER NIGHTS in Balboa Park on Dec 4/5. SDAI is looking for local artists, artisans, and retailers to showcase the best of San Diego-crafted goods, including but not limited to: art, design, craft, jewelry, printed materials, clothing, toys, textiles, food items, and holiday gifts. This event will take place at our 8,000 square foot gallery located in the heart of Balboa Park. During DECEMBER NIGHTS, Balboa Park museums open their doors free of charge from 12pm-11pm each day, with more than 350,000 visitors in attendance. San Diego Art Institute receives over 10,000 visitors during each evening of the event. Each selected vendor will be given a 8’x8’ space. The charge once selected by SDAI’s curatorial/selection committee is $250 for the full weekend. SDAI will not take a percentage of your sales for the weekend but you must be on-site for the entire event. More info: Celia Gold619-236-0011
SDAI is also making a call for artist for their December 11th show juried by Max Presneill, a Los Angeles based artist and curator, originally from London, UK. Currently he is the Executive Director and Head Curator for the Torrance Art Museum $10.00 application fee for non-members.This exhibition invites artists of all media to submit work: painting, sculpture, photography, installation, video, performance and other media are all welcome. Send images to Ginger Porcella by 5pm, Sunday, November 15 th.
It is not to0 late to celebrate Museum Month in Balboa Park. This month admissions to many of the museums are FREE for students 12 and under!
Enjoy a lecture and book signingwith Daniel Ostroff on Nov 5 at 6pmabout Charles And Ray Eames at the Mingei International Museumin celebration of works currently on view in Made In America. Thefee is $10 / $8 Members, students and faculty and it is sponsored by Modern San Diego. More info and RSVP: 619.704.7495
The San Diego Museum of Art looks out upon one Balboa Park’s new Plaza de Panama. Partnering with the City of San Diego, the Museum hopes to bring life to the Plaza by creating Art of the Open Air. This sculpture exhibition will feature a variety of sculptures in bronze, painted fiberglass, and aluminum by great artists such as Joan Miró and Tony Rosenthal. They want our help to Free the Art from the storage of the museum. Helena and Buzz Kinnaird have agreed to match donations.
Oceanside Museum of Art is holding its annual art auction with bidding beginning on November 14, and culminating at the Art Auction event ($35 members, $50 nonmembers) on November 21, from 6:00 to 10:00pm. Click here to view images and information for this years selections here! Featuring more than 100 works by dozens of San Diego and Southern California artists including James Hubbell, and Allison Renshaw.
The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego launched its San Diego Collect exhibition but no photos are allowed or published so you just have to go yourself to see some outstanding art this is in local collections here in San Diego. We loved see Anish Kapoor, Anslem Keifer, Francis Bacon, Robert Rauschenberg and Robert Motherwell just to name a very few of the major artists on view. It was thrilling to see many SD Art Prize recipients included Jean Lowe, Kim MacConnel, Marco Ramirez Erre, Roman de Salvo and this year’s recipient Roy McMakin.
Museum of Photographic Art is taking advantage of their director Deborah Klochko, champion of the work of the late photographer Minor White. The Time Between: The Sequences of Minor White is the first major museum exhibition and will focus on the photo sequences. Oct. 20 to Jan. 31.
Women’s History Museum and Education Center’s past board members, Anne Hoiberg, has donated $50,000 to launch the Women’s Center for Education - a place to engage, educate and empower women. It will be an extension of the museum enabling them to enhance their educational work by partnering with local schools and organizations.
Imaginate is the new display at the Fleet Science Centerin Balboa Park and has over twenty hands-on, interactive experiences that let you immerse yourself in the methods of innovation and critical thinking. You'll have the opportunity to create a stop-motion animation video and do a little research and testing to see if you can create the best paper airplane the world has ever seen and runs until Sun, Jan 3 in the main exhibit gallery space
New Children’s Museum presents Alison Pepworth’s Reconnecting to Home . This incredible multiple-story, climbable tower plays with the idea of what "home" means to us in our now technology-based world. From sending selfies to saving to the cloud, this interactive experience brings us back down to earth by both spoofing and celebrating California's computer innovations. This is part of the new Eureka! display which opened on Oct 17. New Children’s Museum has been awarded a $50,000 grant from Target Corporation to fund discounted Museum admission one Sunday per month. The grant funds the Museum’s Target Dollar Second Sundays, allowing families to enjoy the Museum and eliminating cost as a barrier.
Timken Museum of Art is holding their Black and Orange Ball on Friday, October 30, 2015 - 6:00pm as part of the Timken After Dark events. It is their 50 th anniversary and should be a splendid and masquerade.
In this month of spooks how could we not remind you of the Monsters show at the San Diego Museum of Man?
Center for the Arts EscondidoRe-membering our Ancestors: Discovering Ourselves through Sunday, November 22, 2015 is a Día de los Muertos event with luxuriant images and unforgettable icons. Local, regional, traditional, and non-traditional artists share the exuberance of the holiday while contemplating how memory can reintegrate lost members of families and communities.
Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, has named UC San Diego alumnus Harry Helling as its new executive director. Helling, who started his career more than 30 years ago as an associate curator at the T. Wayland Vaughan Aquarium on the Scripps Oceanography campus, is a passionate leader with extensive experience communicating and interpreting science for the public. We hope he is also an enthusiastic supporter of the arts.
We understand that a new ED has been chosen for the Oceanside Museum of Art and it will be announced in December. We are all excited to have new blood on the art scene.
Facebook owns Instagram which has an iPhone and Android company that produces apps. Boomerang is an app that helps user post gifs (short animated films) on Instagram. Last year they gave you an app Hyperlapse for short videos and Layout, an app for collages. Boomerang from Instagram is available for iOS in Apple’s App Store and for Android in Google Play. Try them out as they are fun and the future!
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RAW November 2015
Overheard: “I don’t mind it… but I don’t like it.”

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all with my apologies to Ingres!
New Yorkers in Exile on Tues. Dec 15 from 7 to 1- pm at San Diego Art Institute (1439 El Prado, SD 92101) This one-night event features a "New York-style" party, complete with a hot dog eating contest, performing rats, and DJs (Permanence). The event hosted by local drag artist and personality Noah Michaels (Siren) includes live music by Octa#grape. Enter the raffle on-site to win a free 3-night stay in NYC Attire: Black (or fuhgeddaboudit) More info: Celia Gold 619-236-0011
EDGEWOOD is an artists’ residency program in the home of Kelly Eginton and Anya Gallaccio; a 1977 split-level house in La Mesa that lives in a state of ongoing transformative remodel. The inaugural exhibition, La Mesa Charmer, is the first of a program of installations by artist-in-residence, Joe Yorty and guests. Over the course of his year-long residency, Joe will offer 3 seasonal exhibitions of artworks that respond to the specific character of the house. For each showing, Joe will invite a guest artist to create collaborative and solo interventions in the house and the surrounding 1/2 acre property. His first guest will be artist Matt Savitsky.
After nearly twenty years of facilitating and creating more than 4,000 canvas murals with ½ million people from over 100 countries, the Art Miles Mural Project and Trident Communications will establish The Muramid International Mural Museum at Artist Alley in Oceanside. This is the first mural museum in the world and will offer master classes, workshop, a muralist directory and a gift store. First Friday with Muramid International Mural Museum is on Fri. Dec. 4 from 6 to 9 pm as part of the Oceanside Art Walk: What the Dickens - A Celebration of the Christmas Spirit. You can participate in murals where the vision is created by Ed Coonce for Russia, Beatriz Hidalgo for Paris, and Lina Abi-Samra for Beirut. Each artist will be with their mural (two in the Muramid Museum in Artist Alley 704 Pier View Way , Oceanside , 92054 and one across the street in Studio 219 of Oceanside Theatre Company). More info: Gailee Walker Wells 805-704-7482. They will be holding an information event Mural Talk About for artists on Sat. Dec 5 from 1 to 5 pm at the Artist's Alley Suite 212 F in Oceanside. For news of the opening date and to become involved contact: Joanne and Fouad Tawfilis.
The El Cajon Boulevard Business Improvement Association (BIA) in partnership with the Little Saigon Foundation are putting up plaques to show that the Little Saigon District is now a new culture destination designated by the San Diego City Council. This means that holidays, street improvements and branding should increase tourism and help to reach out to the youth of the area.
Maker’s Place (1022 W. Morena Blvd. Ste. H, SD 92110) is holding a Holiday Handmade Gift Fair on Dec 12 from 10 am to 4 pm with kid friendly activities fun activities: machine demos, the Nerdy Derby, ornament decorating,
Make-A-Monster (holiday edition). During this holiday season MakerPlace will be collecting new, unwrapped toys for Toys for Tots so bring your donation during the event and receive a free pooping reindeer kit.
Jose Hugo Sanchez: Transpoiesis at SD Mesa College Art Gallery Picked Ripe by Cathy Breslaw
Group seeks to drive North County's economy through arts Seaside Courier by Ruarri Serpa (North County Arts Network)
Eureka! New exhibit opens at Children’s Museum Picked Ripe and La Jolla Light by Lonnie Burstein Hewitt
Encinitas Dia de los Muertos Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Arts community seeking a voice Union Tribune by Edward Sifuentes (North County Arts Network)
Striking a Balance Between Local and International Art Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan (Art SD at Balboa Park)
Honoring Visual Artists 92024 Magazine By ZCode Magazines (SD Art Prize)
San Diego Art Prize 2015 at Art San Diego Contemporary Art Show Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Convergence at Cabrillo Memorial Park by A Ship in the Woods Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Affordable Art at SD Art Institute Balboa Park Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
Thankful for STEM into STEAM A+ Art Blog by Patricia Frischer
County Wide Reports
San Diego Public Library's Innovative Arts Program KCET by Robert Pincus
The playful side of Roman de Salvo Union Tribune by James Chute ( Eureka! at New Children’s Musuem)
Attendance down at top cultural institutions Union Tribune by James Chute
Still Filling the Void of Filner’s Plaza de Panama Redo Voice of SD by Kinsee Morlan
All The World's a Stage: WoW Fest Huffington Post by John Eger ( La Jolla Playhouse)
Michael James Armstrong hangs by a thread City Beat by Seth Combs (Ice Gallery, Barrio Logan)
The new Teros Gallery is worth seeking out City Beat by Seth Combs ( North Park)
I.D.E.A. Breaks Ground on a New Model of Art District Huffington Post by John Eger (35 city blocks in East Village, SD)
‘Art of Music’ shows admirable ambition Union Tribune by James Chute (SDMA)
Ame Curtiss’ pictures are worth a thousand words City Beat by Seth Combs (Space4Art)
Fighting for the Four Corners City Beat by Alex Zaragoza (Urban Collaborative Project transforming Euclid and Imperial: four corners of death)
Art Fair set for encore of best year ever Union Tribune by James Chute ( Art SD in Balboa Park)
Daniel Ruanova tackles migrant labor at Bracero Cocina de Raíz City Beat by Seth Combs
New Evidence for Impact of Arts-Based Learning by Harvey Seifter
Dia de los Muertos marks new start for Encinitas alleys Encinitas Advocate by Jared Whitlock
Joshua Krause in South Park Side Bar Art Space SD Eater by Candice Woo
MOPA reveals the essence of White Union Tribune by James Chute
Culture Report: Cabrillo’s Natural Beauty Is About to Meet Artists Creations (A Ship in the Woods) and Change Is Hard – Just Ask SDAI’s Ginger Shulick Porcella Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan
Return to Jonestown City Beat by Torrey Bailey (SDSU Exhibition by Laura Johnston Kohl)
Eloise Duff draws her life City Beat by Seth Combs (at the Athenaeum)
No more Thursday Night Things City Beat by Seth Combs ( MOCA replaces TNT with Sundown)
InnOvation STEAM Awards Given to 10 Schools Huffington Post by John Eger (High Tech High Media Arts in SD Included)
Airport installing new public art Union Tribune by James Chute
Culture Report: Creating a Sense of Place in National City Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan
Crafting a future City Beat by Seth Combs ( Ceramic artist Beliz Iristay)
On the Seen with David Peña, Ash Eliza Smith and Chantel Paul City Beat by Seth Combs
STEM May Become STEAM...Officially Huffington Post by John Eger
OPPORTUNITIES (click to see a list of all current opportunities listed on SDVAN)
The San Diego Art Institute is making a call for artists for DECEMBER NIGHTS in Balboa Park on Dec 4/5. SDAI is looking for local artists, artisans, and retailers to showcase the best of San Diego-crafted goods, including but not limited to: art, design, craft, jewelry, printed materials, clothing, toys, textiles, food items, and holiday gifts. This event will take place at our 8,000 square foot gallery located in the heart of Balboa Park. During DECEMBER NIGHTS, Balboa Park museums open their doors free of charge from 12pm-11pm each day, with more than 350,000 visitors in attendance. San Diego Art Institute receives over 10,000 visitors during each evening of the event. Each selected vendor will be given a 8’x8’ space. The charge once selected by SDAI’s curatorial/selection committee is $250 for the full weekend. SDAI will not take a percentage of your sales for the weekend but you must be on-site for the entire event. More info: Celia Gold 619-236-0011
Watch for The History and the Hair Story: 400 Years Without a Comb at the Center for the Arts Escondido opening in the New Year on Sat, Jan 16 – Sunday, March 6, 2016. This exhibition is a journey through the history and hair story of the African American hair experience, industry, and role in our present culture.
Mingei International Museum You can see samples from Kentucky, New York and Washington in a video series called Uncrated: Behind the Scenes with Curator Rob Sidnerwhich feature items from their show, Craft Icons of the 50 States.
The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego is launching a new third Thursday of the month (5 to 8 pm) event called Sundown. In partnership with local business leaders and the Museum's culinary neighbors, Downtown at Sundown will provide a sampling of Downtown San Diego's Core-Columbia district hot spots, along with gallery tours, live performances, and more. This replaces the TNT event and is more inclusive of the neighboring community and entrance to the museum is FREE!.
Museum of Photographic Art opensThe Time Between: The Sequences of Minor White and Self/Reflection: 10th Annual Youth Exhibition in December.
New Children’s Museum welcomed it one millionth visitor this month. In May of 2016, the Museum will celebrate its 8 th year downtown and is on pace to have well over 150,000 visitors for the year.
Rubin H. Fleet Science Center launches JERUSALEM, the first-ever Giant DomeFilm about the Holy Land, presented by National Geographic Studios and narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch. An anonymous donor gave $10,000 to form the Eileen Best Scholarship Program so approximately 1,000 students from underserved communities in our region can visit the Fleet and experience a Dome Theater presentation. Congratulation to Eileen Best for being recognized in this way and to the Fleet for being the recipient of this gift. What a wonderful way to celebrate thanksgiving.
The San Diego History Center Lecture & Booksigning: Christmas in San Diego with author, Bill Swank December 10, 2015 - 6:00pm - 7:30pm. Info: 619-232-6203, ext. 129
The San Diego Museum of Art Sat/Sun, Dec 12/13 local jewelry designers Sheri Liebert and Marc Balanky are in the Museum Store for a pop up sale.
San Diego Museum of Man, SD Natural History Museum, Timken Museum of Art along with the Rubin H. Fleet Science Center, The San Diego Museum of Art , The San Diego History Center, Museum of Photographic Art, Mingei International Museum, San Diego Art Institute and all the other museums are open and free on Fri, Dec 4, 2015, from 5-9 p.m for December Nights.
Women’s History Museum and Education Center is announcing the launch of the Anne Hoiberg Women's Center, which will focus on engaging the community, educating our future generations, and empowering women.with a matching Anne Hoiberg's $50,000 grant. The new center aims to create curriculum to supplement underserved schools in San Diego, particularly in regards to Women's History and Women's Issues. The Women's Center also hopes to use monies raised to create new traveling exhibits for schools and community centers.
James F. Peck has been named the new executive director of the Oceanside Museum of Art, The executive director and chief curator of the Old Jail Art Center in Albany, Texas, Peck is scheduled to officially begin his new position Dec. Sandra Chanis was the interim director and will continue in the development department.
Chinese artist Ai Weiwei said his plan to create a Lego artwork can go ahead as donations of the toy poured in from fans after the Danish company refused his bulk order on political grounds. The maker of the children's toy sparked a social media uproar when Ai said it had refused to supply him directly as it "cannot approve the use of Legos for political works". Ai is China's most prominent contemporary artist.
We are delighted to hear that Ruth West is continuing with her art and science collaborations. ATLAS in silico is an interactive environment that provides an aesthetic encounter with the entire first release of 17.4 million sequences from the Global Ocean Sampling Expedition (GOS). Participants animate the virtual world by disrupting data flows revealing internal patterns within the data. The dream-like visual and sonic microworld is created by combining artistic approaches with data-driven strategies.
Small Business Saturday is an American shopping holiday held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year. First observed on November 27, 2010, it is a counterpart to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which feature the big box retail and the e~commerce stores respectively. By contrast Small Business Saturday encourages holiday shoppers to patronize the brick and mortar businesses that are small and local.
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RAW December 2015
Overheard: "It's OK, sweetie, they take credit cards and it's for charity."

photo credit: Yesinia Padilla
Date Night contemporary art fair the weekend of December 12-13th, 2015, at Horton Plaza Mall invited local artist-run and alternative gallery spaces as well as artists, poets, and musicians to participate hosted by the San Diego Art Institute. Art included Carla, Friend's Collective, Helmuth Project, Poderes Unidos, A Ship in the Woods, Space 4 Art, SPF15, TARP Reform, UAG, Untitled Space. This new idea wasorganized by Trevor Amery, Kim Schreiber, Morgan Mandalay, Seth Ferris, Jessica Frelund, Javier Fresneda, Dustin Brons, and Audrey Hope.
Robert L. Lynch, President & CEO of Americans for the Arts attended the signing of theEvery Student Succeeds Act by President Obama. He says, “This marks the end of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) era and welcoming a new path for the American educational policy landscape. This new law holds great promise for restoring arts education as central to the school day and in the lives of students and our nation’s future workforce.” This bill supports well rounded education and secures some funding as the arts are now treated equally with other subjects.
The budget for the NEA was increased to $147.949 million to the President’s request. Earlier this year, both the U.S. Senate and U.S. House proposals were to level-fund the NEA for the fifth year in a row, but the success of the 2-year budget agreement to “raise the caps” enabled additional funding to reach the agency. Hopefully this and the bill to extend tax deduction to non-profit arts charities will be extended for another 70 or so years, will get passed soon.
Behind Inscription: A look at the Process of Shine Takeda is a site specific 50 foot installation incorporates 113 individual stories, woven together by enough thread to stretch out over 54 miles. The community gallery at the New Americans Museum will offer guests a rare look behind the artistic process of this monumental feat. Behind Inscription will include a timelapse video that documents the weaving process, as well as a retrospective look at Takeda’s work around the world and documentation on the conceptualization that lead to Inscription.
We welcome a relatively new collective of shops El Mercadito in Bario Logan. There will be about five crafts stores including Dulce Diego store in the Por Vida Coffee & Gallery.
FIELD: A Journal of Socially Engaged Art Criticism has now issued their second publication FIELD was founded by Grant Kester in 2014 to provide a platform for new forms of critical and analytic writing devoted the remarkable proliferation of new artistic practices devoted to forms of political, social and cultural transformation. FIELD is produced by an editorial collective of graduate students in the Visual Arts and Communication departments at the University of California, San Diego
Ginger Shulick Porcella Shook Up the San Diego Art Institute — and the Local Arts Scene as we all know,but this has made her one of the Voices of San Diego for 2015 according to Kinsee Morlan. We loved this quote from Ms. Morlan “Change can be hard and might piss people off, but Porcella’s proved that it’s worth it.”
Verdant is agroup show a Sparks Gallery from Jan 16 which focuses on the diverse set of habitats: Beach, Chaparral, Mountains, Desert, of our county with works by San Diego artists.
North County Arts Network Visual Art Programming Meeting Picked RAW Peeled by Patricia Frischer
Your Donations have made a difference - Web Wonders A+ Blog by Patricia Frischer
Shipload of artists team up for event at Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego Picked RAW and La Jolla Light By Lonnie Burstein Hewitt
Innovation Incubators are proved great success Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
New Yorkers in Exile at SDAI Picked RAW by Patricia Frischer
Developing our awareness - Robert Pendleton at Poway Art Center Picked Ripe by Patricia Frischer
The Arts at Work North County Development Corporation Business Journal pages 19 to 21 by Emmet Pierce
County Wide Reports
Culture Report: Mapping Out Memories, by Smell Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan ( Brian Goeltzenleuchter as a SD Foundation Creative Catalyst award recipient and A Ship In the Woods at Cabrillo National Memorial)
The new North Park Union Tribune by James Chute (Barrio Logan Gentrification)
The Story Behind Those Colorful Tire TreadsCounty News Center by Dominic Fulgoni (Video about David Adey’s public art at the SD County garage in Little Italy)
Think Big! Large-scale art works feature light, sound, scent at Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (MCASD) downtown Picked Ripe and La Jolla Light by Lonnie Burstein Hewitt (three installations)
For Arts Sake Seaside Courier by Thomas K. Arnold (Encinitas lack of funding)
To See or Not to See: 'Robert Irwin: Light and Space' City Beat by Seth Combs (a moving call to see this work at MOCASD)
The ‘Careless Indifference’ of Public Art Fees Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan (Borre Winckel, head of the Building Industry Association of San Diego, speaks against a percentage for the arts and Greg Strangman’s Gold Leaf (frame) project)
California in the Creative EconomyCreate CA by John Eger (white paper about the revolution in education which is coming)
Nobody Cares, Zogo Reader by Thom Senzee
Matthew Hebert constructs a monument to memories in Escondido City Beat by Seth Combs (Creative Catalysis Award recipient)
Meet the altruistic party animal behind Dulce Diego City Beat by Seth Combs (Gini Mann-Deibert handmade goodies)
Arts Based Learning of STEM Works Says NSF Funded Research Firm Huffington Post by John Eger (results of study made by Harvey Seifter, head of the NSF funded project and founder of the Art of Science Learning on Innovation Incubators)
Culture Report: Pushing Spectators to Become Participants Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan (New space in Barrio Logan Gallery D and possible need for a Lemon Grove historical mural)
San Diego Arts Nonprofit To Confront Migrant Debate With Airport Mural KPBS by Megan Burkes
The Photographers Behind Famous Photographs At MCASD KPBS by Angela Carone
The artsy maps of INKredibleDESIGN City Beat by Seth Combs (Brennan Hubbell inkredibledesign.com)
D Gallery debuts in Barrio Logan City Beat by Seth Combs (ownerVijay Hingorani with gallery curator Dia Bassett)
To See or Not to See: “Inscription: A Monumental Installation” City Beat by Seth Combs (art of Shinpei Takeda at New American Museum, co-founded the AjA Project,)
Showing Chollas Creek Some Much-Needed Love Voice of San Diego by Kinsee Morlan (Roman de salvo and two other short listed for gateway style art)
Mingei plans “comprehensive transformation” Union Tribune by James Chute (Jennifer Luce designs $15 million make over)
Couple open mural museum in Oceanside Union Tribune by Pam Kragen (Trawfilis open Miles of Murals)
Making the case for the arts and humanities Union Tribune by James Chute (New UCSD dean Cristina Della Coletta closes gallery due to a lack of faculty agreement)
The Time for North County Arts Has Arrived Voice of San diego by Kinsee Morlan (NCAN update)
OPPORTUNITIES (click to see a list of all current opportunities listed on SDVAN)
The San Diego Art Institute and Mission Federal ArtWalk together withSan Diego Visual Arts Network are pleased to offer “The Business of Art” scholarship for the 32th Annual Mission Federal ArtWalk event in Little Italy, happening on April 30th and May 1st, 2016. The Mentorship will be awarded to one student who has a body of work to be shown and sold at ArtWalk. This scholarship and mentoring program will also receive media sponsorship from the San Diego Visual Arts Network. The scholarship is open to art students ages 30 and under who are currently enrolled in a college or university in San Diego County. All applicants must be endorsed by a professor in their own art department. Applications are due Jan 30, 2016. For more information, and to apply: cgold@sandiego-art.org
Lux Art Institute is looking for an excutive assistant to help Reesy Shaw, the director. For more information on this job which is very wide ranging contact Kate Beaver 760-436-6611
California Center for the Arts is seeking artwork in the following area: Portraits and/or self-portraits that identify and describe a hair story whether it is straight, wavy, or curly. Artists are invited to submit recent 2D, sculptural and/or installation art works (within the last 5 years). Artists can submit up to ten (10) pieces in JPEG format. More info: Stella Karl 760.839.4175
The Crow Show '16 is a celebration of black birds is an exhibition of visual art running from February 5 – 28, 2016 produced by The Studio Door.They are making a call for submissions due Jan 7 at 11 pm. Fashion is an exhibition of visual art running from March 5 – 27, 2016 also with a call for artists but this time with a deadline of January 31, 2016 – 11 pm. For more info on both: Patric Stillman 619-255-4920
Center for the Arts Escondido The History and the Hair Story: 400 Years Without a Comb is a journey through the history of the African American hair industry and its role in our present culture. Local African American entrepreneur, the creator of the California Curl and the first Afro pick comb, presents his extensive collection along with local artists who have been invited to tell their own hair stories. Jan 16 to March 6, 2016
Mingei International Museum Asafo Flags from Ghana (February 6–July 10, 2016) is an exhibition of thirty-seven flags from the West African country of Ghana. A recent donation to Mingei International, these colorful flags dating to the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries feature graphic imagery and appliqued designs on solid cotton grounds.
Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego has changed its TNT event to be more inclusive of the whole community at the Columbia core downtown. Visual arts and performing arts converge at MCASD's new after-hours offering: Downtown at Sundown. Free on the third Thursday of every month from 5 to 8 PM, Take advantage of $5 drink and appetizer specials at The Flight Path Wine Bar & Bistro and Stone Brewing Company, next door to the Museum on Kettner. At MCASD Downtown, guests will enjoy music by emerging DJs, and performing art events ranging from dance excerpts to music ensembles or spoken word. Join conversation-based tours led by the Gallery Educators at 5:30PM and 6:45 PM, or drop in on Xcerpts-a book club held in the new reading ROOM across the street at 1001 Kettner. We applaud these step to convert a dating pick up event to a one with a higher purpose while saving the fun appeal. Ed Ruscha Then & Now: Paintings from the 1960s and 2000sshows at its La Jolla location from January 30, 2016 through April 24, 2016. An innovator of West-Coast Pop and Conceptual Art, This tailored exhibition considers the artist's use of recurring words, images, and themes across the decades
Museum of Photographic ArtFlor Garduño: Trilogy ( 30 Jan, 2016 - 29 May) presents a tour of the principal themes from her career of photographic work within three groups: Bestiarium, Fantastic Women and Silent Natures.
New Children’s Museum Celebrate the New Year at an after-hours party in your jammies for delicious dinner, New Year’s themed art activities, games, music, entertainment and our famous countdown balloon drop! Adults will enjoy one drink token with ticket and the chance to win amazing prizes in an opportunity drawing. On Jan 2 from 5:30 to 8:30 with tickets starting at only $15.
Oceanside Museum of Art Now You See It , on view February 24–March 20, 2016 (a farce by the French master George Feydeau)has a juried show on the theme of the play i.e jealousy bordering on paranoia, a philandering husband, hypnotism, a spurned lover and a scandalous discovery. Thereception for OMA’s exhibiton is on March 3, 2016, 6:00–7:30pm. This is the second partnership of OMA and North Coast Rep.If you are a member of the Artist Alliance you can submit for this show until Jan 18.
San Diego Museum of Art launched an audio-guided indoor mapping app, powered by Guru, a new experiential technology company that creates apps and solutions for cultural institutions., Museum visitors are now able to easily navigate the Museum and further explore never-before heard information about specific exhibitions. The San Diego Museum of Art’s app is free and easily downloadable on iOS and Android devices, full content access is available for $5, and empowers people to rediscover the institution’s many treasures with convenience. Hey guys, shouldn’t this be free for those under 20?
San Diego Natural History Museum Birds as Art: The Avian Photography of Arthur Morris features 67 or the photographers favorite images starting on January 16, 2016.
James Chute’s own words from Facebook, “It's true. I've accepted a buyout and my last day at the UT will be Dec. 24. In case you are keeping score, I've been at the Union-Tribune for 25 years, the last five as music and art critic. And for you archivists, I started as a free lance critic with the Cincinnati Enquirer in 1977 and moved to the Cincinnati Post full time in 1978. What a long, strange trip it’s been..” It is very sad for us at SDVAN to hear this news. Hopefully James will continue to express himself about art in the future in some way.
San Diego Art Institute is preparing to welcome our next curator-in-residence, Amanda Cachia. Cachia is an independent curator from Sydney, Australia and is currently a PhD Candidate in Art History, Theory & Criticism at the University of California, San Diego. Her curatorship will be from Dec 2015 to March 2016 and it will be exciting to see the exhibition that she creates.
Amber Irwin is San Diego Book Arts new Executive Director. This dynamic group has a wonderful newsletter End Papers so if you are interested in this subject do visit their site and sign up..
Rising Arts Leaders of SD has announced its first ever Rising Arts Leader of the Year: Matt Carney. Matt received a Quick Grant to produce Creating Collaborative Communities: San Diego's 2015-2016 Season of Dance and for the first time brought together seven dance groups to present their 2015-2016 Season Announcement.
Did you know that Fun Trivia has a category for art. I scored 7 out of 10 on Early American Artists. This is a good time of the year for puzzles and charades so take a break and have some fun.
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