New Contemporaries: SD Art Prize Nominated Emerging Artists
SD ART PRIZE: Recognition of Excellence in the Visual Arts
presented by San Diego Visual Arts Network
SD Art Prize Catalogs
From 2008 until 2015, the SD Art Prize Art Notes writers and previous SD Art Prize recipients along with the SD Art Prize committee nominates emerging artists as possible suggestions for the SD Art Prize established artists to mentor. These artists are all featured in the New Contemporaries exhibitions held at local sales galleries.
Summary New Contemporaries:SD Art Prize Nominated Emerging Artists

2007/2008 New Contemporaries I

Emerging Artists left to right, top to bottom Alida Cervantes, Allison Wiese, Andy Howell, Ben Lavender, Brad Streeper, Brian Dick, Camilo Ontiveros, Lael Corbin, Christopher N. Ferreria, Jason Sherry, Matt Devine, Pamela Jaeger, Nina Karavasiles, Tania Candiani, Nina Waisman, Shannon Spanhake, Tristan Shone
Simayspace at the Art Academy
840 G Street, Downtown SD, 92101 - 619.231.3900 doug@simayspace.com
Event Media sponsor: The Espresso

2009 New Contemporaries II
Emerging Artists: David Adey, Tania Alcala, Michele Guieu, Keikichi Honna, Omar Pimienta, Daniel Ruanova, Marisol Rendon, Tara Smith, Matt Stallings, K.V. Tomney, Jen Trute, Gustabo Velasquez, Yuransky

Noel-Baza Fine Art
Wed. February 18, 2009 – Sat. March 21, 2009
2165 India Street - San Diego, CA 92101
Gallery Hours: 11-6 Tuesday-Thursday, 11-8 Friday and Sat. closed Sun, Mon
Info: Patricia Frischer 760.943.0148 or noel-baza@cox.net 619.876.4160

New Contemporaries III

Greg Boudreau, Kelsey Brookes, Stephen Curry, Steve Gibson,
Brian Goeltzenleuchter, Wendell M. Kling, Heather Gwen Martin, Robert Nelson, Julio Orozco, Allison Renshaw, Lesha Maria Rodriguez, James Soe Nyun, Stephen Tompkins

San Diego Emerging Artists at Project X: Art
Opening Reception: Sat. April 24, 7 – 10 pm
Sat., April 24 – Sat., May 22, 2010
Artist TBD
320 S. Cedros Ave. Ste. 500 , Solana Beach, 92075
Exhibition hours: Tue - Friday 10 - 5, Saturday 11 – 4 pm
For more info: Chris Martino 858.792.9685

2011 New Contemporaries IV

New Contemporaries IV at Alexander Salazar Fine Art
Aug 1 to Aug 31, 2011
Opening Reception Monday Aug 1, 6-9.
Mely Barragan, Adam Belt, Susannah Bielak, Fred Briscoe, Isaias Crow,
Shay Davis, Damian Gastellum, Gretchen Mercedes, Han Nguyen,
Jaime Ruiz Otis, Lee Puffer, Christopher Puzio, Cheryl Sorg

Alexander Salazar Fine Art
1040 7th Avenue , SD, 92101
Exhibition hours: Tue - Sat 11 - 6, Saturday and Sunday by appointment
More info: alexandersalazarfineart@gmail.com 619-531-8996

2012 New Contemporaries V
New Contemporaries V at Susan Street Fine Art Gallery
Thursday June 7 th, 2012 from 6pm-9pm
June 2 to July 3, 2012
Shawnee Barton, Lauren Carerra, Noah Doely, Rob Duarte, Alexander Jarman, Anna Chiaretta Lavatelli, Lee M. Lavy, Ingram Ober, Vincent Robles,
Deanne Sabeck, David Leon Smith, Brian Zimmerman
200 North Cedros Avenue, Solana Beach, CA 92075
More info: Melissa Stager 858.793.4442

2013 New Contemporaries VI
New Contemporaries VI at Sparks Gallery
Opening Reception Sat. June 8, 7 to 10 pm
Sat. June 1 to Sun. June 30th, 2013
Jennifer Anderson, Irene de Watteville, Michelle Kurtis Cole,
Franco Mendez Calvillo, James Enos, Brennan Hubbell, Sonia López-Chávez,
Marie Najera, Timothy Earl Neill, Griselda Rosas, Ilanit Shalev , Anna Stump

530 Sixth Avenue, San Diego 92101
More info: Sonya Sparks

2014 New Contemporaries VII
New Contemporaries VII at Meyer Fine Arts
Fri. May 9 to Sat June 28
Opening Reception: Thurs. May 15, 6-9 pm NoLI Nights
Shane Anderson, Leonardo Francisco, Dave Ghilarducci, Garrett P. Goodwin,
Emily Grenader, Bhavna Mehta, Margaret Noble, Kim Reasor , Gail Schneider
Lauren Siry, Cheryl Tall, Vicki Walsh, Joe Yorty

2400 Kettner Blvd, Suite 104, SD 92101
More info:: pmeyer3583@aol.com 619.358.9512

2015 New Contemporaries VIII

New Contemporaries VIII at Valencia Gallery
Fri. May 1 to Fri. May 29
Opening Reception: Fri. May 1, 6-9 pm
Final selection of art work by Alexandra Moctezuma, San Diego Mesa College Art Gallery
Artists: Atara Baker, Claudia Cano, Larry Edwin Caveney, Andrea Chung,
Collective Magpie, scott b. davis, Tom Demello, Prudence Horne, Jim Hornung,
Beliz Iristay, Jessica McCambly, Marco Miranda, Tim Murdoch
Valencia Gallery
Barracks 16 Suite 101 2730 Historic Decatur Rd SD 92106
Wed. to Sun., 11 am. to 5 pm. and by appointment
More info: Aida Valencia 619.752.6118

2016 New Contemporaries

SD Art Prize Nominated Emerging Artists at City College Gallery
Sat. June 18 - Thurs. July 14, 2016
Opening Reception: Sat. June 18, 6 - 8 pm
2016 New Contemporaries Catalog
Robert Andrade, William Feeney , Kim Garcia, Robert Michael Jones, Erin Dace Behling, Sasha Koozel Reibstein, Aren Skalman, Graham Smith, Shinpei Takeda, Paola Villasenor (PANCA), Nicole Waszak

City College Gallery
1508 C Street, San Diego 92101
Exhibition hours: regular gallery hours
Tue – Thurs 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Plus by Appointment and for opening reception
More info: Terri Hughes-Oelrich 619-277-0132

2017 New Contemporaries

2017 New Contemporaries SD Art Prize Nominated Artists at basileIE + CMCuratorial
Sat June 3 to August 5, 2017
Opening Reception: Sat June 10, 2017 from 6 to 9 pm
Also Open Barrio Logan Art Crawl, Sat. July 8, 2017 from 6 to 9 pm
Closing Reception and announcement of Art Prize recipients, Sat. Aug 5,2017 from 4 to 6 pm
2017 New Contemporaries Catalog
Exhibiting Artists: Miriam Gabriela Garcia Aguirre, Cathy Breslaw, Ashley Fenderson, Carrie Anne Hudson, Rizzhel Mae Javier, Adrienne Joy, Alexander Kohnke, Pablo Llana, Michelle Montjoy, Julio M. Romero, Brittany Segal, Rebecca Louise Webb, and Oslyn Whizar

2070 Logan Ave, SD 92113
More info: Chris Martino cm@cmartino.com 858.361.9052
Exhibition hours: regular gallery hours: Thurs. Fri., Sat noon to 5 pm Plus by Appointment and for opening reception and closing reception and Art Crawl nights the second Sat of the month.
SD Art Prize Mission: Fusing Energy for San Diego Visual Arts: Mentorship, Education, Recognition, Collaboration
If you believe in our mission, we are happy to accept your donations to support the San Diego ART PRIZE online or send any amount with checks made out to SDVAN to 2487 Montgomery Avenue, Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007. Please mark them for SD ART PRIZE. Visit the Support page of SDVAN to donate online.
To find out how these artist were chosen and lots of other information about the SD Art Prize read SD Art Prize Frequently Asked Questions