SD ART PRIZE: Recognition of Excellence in the Visual Arts
presented by San Diego Visual Arts Network
SD Art Prize Catalogs
We are pleased to present this photo portrait series of SD Art Prize recipients by
Melissa Au 858 349 5846 melissa@dandeliondreamsphoto.com
In business as a family/child photography Dandelion Dreams, Au strives to capture the precise moment that truth is revealed in any given scene. She uses light like paint and is also launching herself as a photographer of artists with a series of images of the SD Art Prize recipients and as a fashion photographer while participating in Art and Fashion. She is married with two children.
Award Recipients for 2011
Jay Johnson with emerging artist Adam Belt
Rubén Ortiz-Torres with emerging artist Tristan Shone
Special videos by Melissa Au with Interview by Jon Au

If you believe in our mission, we are happy to accept your donations to support the San Diego ART PRIZE Send any amount with checks made out to SDVAN to 2487 Montgomery Avenue, Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007. Please mark them for SD ART PRIZE. Visit the Support page of SDVAN to donate online.
SD Art Prize Frequently Asked Questions